How long???? Biologic. | Arthritis Information


How long do you have to be off one biologic before you can start another?

I cannot remember how long my RD made me wait to be off Humira before she let me start Remicade. I think ... think... rememories are not on my side lately... that it was 3 months. I am probably wrong... as usual.
I am going to try to switch biologics. I want to try which ever one is the least loading doses, and least amount of time inbetween infusions. If that makes any sense.
I say all of this because hubby only has so many vacation days, and well... we have already used up 3 of them and he just got them all back in April. Our plan was to use 1/2 days of his vacation time to help stretch them out for more of my appts. But we ended up having to use one day when he was sick from his asthma and then another full day when they rescheduled my last infusion and then I had those 2 appts that equaled one full day. I think he only gets like 10 days of vacation time, not really sure.
So... I guess it will be which ever biologic my insurance companies will let me have.
