What Is Shingles? What Causes Shingles? | Arthritis Information


Shingles is caused by the herpes varicella-zoster (or simply zoster) virus. This virus also causes chickenpox. Most of us get chickenpox during childhood, but after we recover the virus remains inactive (dormant) in our nervous system. Our immune system stops the virus from becoming active. However, later in life it may become reactivated, causing shingles. Shingles is an infection of a nerve and the area of skin around it.

According to Medilexicon's
medical dictionary, herpes zoster (shingles) is "an infection caused by a herpes virus (varicella-zoster virus), characterized by an eruption of groups of vesicles on one side of the body following the course of a nerve due to inflammation of ganglia and dorsal nerve roots resulting from activation of the virus, which in many instances has remained latent for years following a primary chickenpox infection; the condition is self-limited but may be accompanied by or followed by severe postherpetic pain."

A study found that most Americans are in the dark regarding shingles.

What are the symptoms of shingles?

A bout of shingles will normally last from 2 to 4 weeks. The patient will generally feel a tingling sensation in the affected area at first. This will be followed by pain, and then a rash.

Although the chest and abdomen are the most likely parts of the body to experience pain and a rash, shingles can affect any part, including arms, legs, and even the face and eyes. Sometimes there may be additional symptoms, although they are nearly always mild. They might include:
ooh i had shingles last october
i missed a week of school cuz of them
they hurt alot and were sorta itchy
and i had a terrible migrane headache that whole week lol
it was terrible
Thanks for the article, Lynn.  It's especially timely for me.  Mine are just about gone, thank goodness![QUOTE=dotty]Thanks for the article, Lynn.  It's especially timely for me.  Mine are just about gone, thank goodness![/QUOTE]
You're welcome Dotty My mother had shingles once, she said it was the worst pain she had ever had and it lasted for months, it must have been an extreme case. I wonder if there's a family disposition to it? Oh stop it.My first episode of shingles was worse than the second. It was on a nerve path under my right scapula up to the axilla(armpit). The pain lasted for weeks so I couldn't wear a bra and I couldn't let my arm touch my body. With all that walking around with my hand on my hip, my girls said I was trying to look sexy. Yeah, right. Then because my heart valve didn't like it (common with virus), I had 2-3 skipped beats/min so had to go to cardiologist. I explained why I was there and why I wasn't wearing a bra (embarrassing in my 40s). He said, "well, I was wondering if you became a hippy!"
Funny memories of a not-so-funny illness.

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