i feel worse than yesterday | Arthritis Information


remember yesterday, when i could barely move my arm

well i still can barely move it, ever since sunday night its been hurting
and this morning i can barely walk
my mom sayd my knee was a little bit swollen
and im limping when i walk, lol.
i dont think this is exactly how i planned to enjoy my first week of summer vacation
and last nite
my chest hurt so bad lol, felt like it was gonna explode
who knows? maybe my heart and lungs were inflamed too and maybe my liver aswell
thats what sorta happened before
but at least i didnt have a fever, since we had lowered the prednisone
maybe i'll have some relief today, it was methotrexate day after all lol
anyways this was deffinately NOT how i had envisioned my summer vacation

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