OT Toll House Cookie Dough Recall | Arthritis Information


For information on the Toll House Cookie Dough Recall www.VeryBestBakery.com/tollhouse

It has been in the news alot.
Check >>THIS<< out. My link is from Tollhouse.  Interesting to compare them.Yep, and mine was from the FDA........... Well, you have to give the company a chance.Why would anyone want to eat raw dough!!!  Sorry SnowOwl no disrespect to your husband . I love cookies but raw dough...uggghhh!Perhaps it's just an American thing.  Quite common here, actually. Maybe we can start a thread on foods from other countries that might be strange to others. We might all find something new that we likeHaggis.  Just saying the word makes me want to vomit. Funny you should say that I was just talking to a friend of mine about Haggis this morning, its awful and it looks even worse than awful...
Semolina is another one..yukk. We used to have it for school dinners as kids...makes me come out in a cold sweat just thinking about it
By "dinner" you mean the midday meal, right?  Dinner here in the states can mean the midday (lunch) or evening (supper) meal, depending on where you are. We have breakfast, dinner , tea and supper. Dinner being the main meal of the day and is eaten at midday/ 1pm. Tea is normally at around 6pm and is a light meal then supper is about 9pm and also just a snack...we dont always have it like that as where I grew up in S.Africa we have breakfast , lunch  and dinner. Lunch being a light meal of a sandwich or a salad and dinner in the evening which is the main meal.
Sounds good.
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