blood tests | Arthritis Information


blood tests hurt lol

do they bug u other people too?
maybe its just cuz im really scared of needles
know whats weird? when they take my blood, i watch
if i dont look at it, its scarier lol
and then after its done i feel like im gonna pass out
i used to have blood taken every monday
but this week when i saw my rhuemy (lol, that word soundz so funny)
he changed it to every other week
so less pain lol
but less mcdonalds too
so what do u ppl think of blood tests?
sorry about the less McDonalds, Star.. but you're a young man who can handle a little stick here and there....
It's over in no time and it makes sure you're okay!!
yeah i guess ur right babs
altho i really shouldnt be eatin mcdonalds much anywayz
lots of sugar and carbs , could be bad for me lol
the worst part is, it leaves a black and blue
and that looks ugly lol
I hate shots but I don't mind having my blood drawn.  I kinda like watching it fill up the little vials.  Oh, but I HATE the finger prick.
When my son was 3 he was always having to have his blood taken due to some meds he had to take.  The first couple of times he cried, but after that he'd stick out his arm, watch with interest, and happily accept his sticker.  That used to make me kind of sad.  I mean, it just seems that a 3 year old shouldn't be that used to needles.
yeah i hate shots too
i sorta like watchin the blood fill the vials too
and i also like the finger prick thing for the diabetes ppl
its not as bad as the other kind, that they used on my finger before
hurts less, and its sorta cool but makes ur fingers sore lol
I've been seeing commercials for some new (maybe) kind of tester for diabetics.  it's supposed to be a lot better than the regular kind.  Is that what you use?I'm not bothered by having my blood drawn...BUT I have to look the other way..I hate to look at the needle going in and I hate the thought of seeing the blood fill the vial.  Another thing I hate is when the one vial is taken out and replaced by another, the person drawing the blood sometimes put the filled vial next to my arm and I can feel the warmth of my blood through the vial and that bothers me for some reason.hmmm idk
whats it called?
i just started checking my sugar a few weeks ago
maybe like 3 weeks ago
so it might be
i dont think so tho, mine seems like a regular meter
its actually the second meter i had
the first wasnt covered by the insurance ppl
so i got a new one
and the new one is better, it uses less blood and is easier to use
yeah when they replace the vials its sorta weird
they take like 6 vials of blood for me lol
they take like 6 vials of blood for me lol
Yeah...same here
6 seems like alot
i wonder why they need so many...
lots of things they like to check which is a good thing yeah like when they figured out my blood sugar was way too high
the morning after i had gotten my blood taken the day before
my doctor person called, my blood sugar had been 358
lol, so i missed school and was stuck in the ER for 5 hours

well..good thing is that u missed school..but 5 hours in the ER...not so good

yeah i was happy to miss school
being in the ER was bad tho
long and boring
yeah i hate blood tests too. ive had 4 so far in the past 2 months. not much i guess, compared to others, but still not pleasant. every time ive seen the rheumy, he's done blood tests. 

I soo hate needles! I have a needle phobia, but I am getting better since starting the Remicade. I get blood drawn every 6 weeks, but now since I get my infusion every 5-6 weeks... I just ask the remicade nurse to draw my blood after she gets the cath in. So... that is one less stick!

I am always trying to find ways to keep from getting stuck so much.
Just wait until the RD wants to drain a swelled joint! Mine has offered many of times and even told me if they were still swelled when I came back to see her she would drain them. I would always hope she forgot, which she does. But when she offers the first time, I so refuse. Probably not a bright idea to refuse, but I have seen how big that needle is and well... it is not pretty! And then she will have to stick me twice, because after she drains it, she will inject with steroids! *shutters at the thought*
yeah the funny thing is
before i got sick
i thought id NEVER have to get blood taken, cuz when i was a little kid i had to get it taken once and i remembered how terrible it was
but then i got sick lol, and im sure ive had blood taken alot
my grandma sayd i had more blood tests recently then she's ever had in her life lol
but since ive had SO many im not as scared as before
just a little lol but enough to hold my moms hand still lol
not as much hold, more like squeze her hand, then she gets mad cuz it hurts her lol
