SSDI Notification | Arthritis Information


As many of you know, I haven't been able to work for 1.5 years now and have been fortunate enough to receive benefits from my private disability insurance (through my employer).  I am required to apply for SSDI, because if approved, the private insurer reduces my benefits by the amount paid by Social Security, so they even provide the lawyer.

Back in November (I think it was November), I received the notice that they had denied my initial claim, as they do with many/most first-time claims (especially in NJ where I am).  So my attorney put in my appeal and for the last several months has been calling/faxing Social Security on a weekly basis trying to get an answer.  They finally just got one that I learned this morning....I was denied again....on April 27th!!  They never even notified me or my attorney.  Fortunately we're still in time to submit the appeal for a hearing, which is where the attorney gets most of the claims approved.  The attorney's office told me this part of the process could take 18 months to 2 years!!
All I can say is how fortunate I am that I have this private insurance, along with my medical insurance.  I can't even imagine waiting years for a decision if I had no income and no medical insurance.  I realize some people get approved right away (although a lot depends on your doctors and what state you live in), but this process is just criminal.
Good luck.  Sounds like a frustrating process.  Hope it works out.Suzanne, its disgusting how many people who are disabled go without because someone in a suit decides they do not need it. It happens iN the UK a lot too , I have been on DLA ( Our disability benefit) for a while now but it took ages and refusals to get it. Now I have it , its reviewed every 3 years. The review is based on my doctors report, xrays I have taken, my RD's report and my occupational therapists report.
My last review took 4 days to come through and approved so that was good for me.
I hope you get it ll sorted out
Hope this all works out for you!good luck with the appealI  agree the system stinks. Best of luck with your appeal.  Good Luck with your appealI feel your pain.  It took me 2 denials and an adm hearing to finally get approved.  I filed in September 2003 and wasn't approved until April 2006.  Hang in there and don't give up.It took me two years, and I, too, went through two denails and a hearing.  Everybody I knew was very surprised I got even the first denial.  I think the administrative judge was, too.  Even I was pretty sure that he would rule in my favor by the way he just shook his head when presented with the report from the doctor that Social Security sent me to (!) and the subsequent first denial.  I got my approval a week after the hearing, and my money a week after that!
I think I had a pretty good lawyer, too. 
Oh, yeah, I forgot, I second the "Don't give up."  I swear that's why they give those seemingly "automatic" denials.  They want you to feel hopeless and give up.  I know I almost did.I too got denied a second time.  They say I can move my arms and legs fine. Uh, excuse me? My drs insist I use my cane and when in stores, a motor scooter. Surgeon says I may never regain full use of my shoulder (the one that is free from cane and should be able to carry things). My fingers can't close into a fist, hurt, and sometimes swell. Daily, Fatigue/brain fog is severe-- regardless if work or pleasure. And don't get me started about my awful bowel disease unpredictable, hours long, diarrhea issues. If I tried to go back to work, I'd get fired real fast. So I can relate to your frustrations. I started applying last Sept 08. I've had no income for over a year and half. Luckily though my husband's income has dropped seriously, he does get free health ins for him and I am allowed to pay the group rate for mine.
I hope your lawyer can have better luck in getting your hearing date sooner than us in California where the disability judges are overwhelmed.
I got denied the first 2 times I applied, but I was not as bad off then, as I am now. First time was when I was 17 and working and I would be hurting so bad by the time I got home, so my mom applied for me. Then... I applied again 3 years later after having my daughter and got worse.
Then I applied again after having my son, and when I was really at my worse. I only applied because I figured if I could get approved it would help out our family financially. At the time... hubby had no job, and in-laws were helping us, and then my sister hired my hubby for a min. wage job. I just let it go and went along with it all, because I figured I would have been denied again.
Then 8 months later I was approved and labled by the government as being disabled. It was a sad day for me. As I probably would have been happier being denied again.
Now... I am on to my 2nd saddest day of my life.... turning 30. But I still believe being told I am disabled is probably the saddest day of my life. I really felt shell shocked. You know how you think everything is in your head, because no one else around you really says much about how they see you doing.
Good luck with the appeal! Keep us posted!
Thanks everyone.  I knew going into it that it would be like this, well except for the not even notifying me part, so it's not a shock, just depressing that the system which is supposed to help the people who paid in and need it is so very broken.
joonie, I know exactly what you mean.  Before I opened the first denial, I said to hubby that I'll be upset either way...who wants to know they are truly disabled?  Then again who wants to know that the government thinks you're not that bad off and making a big deal over "nothing".  Oh well, it is what it is.  But don't be sad about turning 30....30 is great!!!
Innerglow, it is sad the system is so flawed.  Talk about government waste!!!   It seems the only beneficiaries are the lawyers!  I think they get 1/3?  It took me a little over 2 years to get my approval and they go back and pay from the date of your first application, so I did get back pay (and my lawyer got paid!). 
I wrote my congressman about the process, something I encourage all to do... even those not applying because it is your tax dollar that goes into this system too.
Best of luck to you and document, document, document!  The more info from the most doctors, the better, it seems.
