Another new med being tested.... | Arthritis Information


"reduction in CRP level by greater than 50% for approximately half the population"
That sounds pretty good! 
It is always good to know something else is coming down the pipes!  Thanks Lynn!
Here's a little more info....
A clinical trial of masitinib, a drug in development for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis, has shown it to be well tolerated and effective. Researchers writing in BioMed Central's open access journal Arthritis Research and Therapy have shown that treatment with masitinib significantly reduced the severity of active arthritis.

Masitinib inhibits the activity of mast cells, a component of the immune system thought to be involved in the pathogenesis of rheumatoid arthritis. The clinical improvement described in the study was supported by laboratory evidence of reduced inflammation. The authors found that adverse effects of the treatment were mainly mild to moderate.

Alain Moussy from AB Science, a pharmaceutical company who are developing masitinib for multiple indications in human and animal medicine said, "This is a milestone article for us, being the first publication of masitinib in a human study". Speaking about the drug, Alain Moussy said, "Our preclinical studies have shown that masitinib selectively targets cell receptors known to be involved in various disease processes but does not affect those associated with toxicity, particularly cardiotoxicity".
