Autoimmune disorders | Arthritis Information


After reading Levlarry's post about RA and other autoimmune disorders, I thougt it would be interesting to take a poll.  If you would rather not go in to detail, just respond with a simple yes or no. 

Do you have more than one autoimmune disorder?
If so, what do you have?
Do you have any other medical problem, listed in the article?
If so, what do you have.
I have RA (positive), autoimmune gastritis, Aloepicia, Pernicious anemia, Hashimoto thyroiditis, and Asthma.  My RD says I have autoimmune soup!  LOL!
I have other medcial problems, but they weren't listed in the article. 
ooh i wanna answer
question 1- Do u have more than one auto immune disorder?
yeah, i got JRA (obviously)
and i have diabetes, which is actually an auto immune disease lol
(altho the diabetes was caused by my prednisone lol)
btw, i also have a third auto immune disorder/disease, but that ones sorta embarassing lol
question 2- Do u have any other medical problem listed in the article?
nope i have lots of other medical "problems"
but they werent listed in the article
RA is my one and only
Do you have more than one autoimmune disorder?
If so, what do you have?
I have RA, Hashimoto's, Asthma.
Do you have any other medical problem, listed in the article?
If so, what do you have.
None listed in the article.  Others I have that are not listed in the article are Hypertension, GERD, Restless Leg Syndrome, Degenerative Disc Disease, and Generalized Anxiety Disorder
kweenb2009-06-30 15:59:42I hate that there were so few responses.  This is actually a medical question that is related to RA.  I guess if I were starting a fight, I would have had more responses.  LOL!  Thanks to those of you that did respond.RA and Sjogren's SyndromeJust Ra that I am aware of Renee-we'll keep this at the top..its the weekend and even on this board it gets quieterRA only.LOTS! JRA, Celiac, Asthma..I think those are the only autoimmune ones

then there are LOTS of allergies, interstitial cystitis(which MAY be autoimmune) fibromyalgia, orthostatic hypotension and lots of random other issues[QUOTE=buckeye]Renee-we'll keep this at the top..its the weekend and even on this board it gets quieter[/QUOTE]
Thanks, Buckeye, I've only been on this site, for a month, and I didn't know you could do that. 
Hashimoto's and asthma for auto-immune diseases.  I also have Polymorphic Light Eruption is considered auto-immune by some.
Developmental Hip Dysplasia, OA, Degenerative Disk Disease, heart murmur, hiatal hernia and hypertension.   Was previously diagnosed with osteomalacia, but that seems to have been solved by Vitamin D.   Hypertension caused by long-term use of NSAIDs for other conditions.
RA and Hypothyroidism. 
In case some of you missed this, over the weekend, I thought I'd try to put it up front again.  I'd really appreciate your responses/input. 
Just a suggestion - perhaps you should change the title to indicate that you are requesting responses to a poll.  Otherwise many people might skip the post. just RA here As far as I know - just RA [QUOTE=JasmineRain]Just a suggestion - perhaps you should change the title to indicate that you are requesting responses to a poll.  Otherwise many people might skip the post. [/QUOTE]
Thanks for the suggestion.  How do I do that?  I'm new to the site and don't know much about stuff like that.
If you are the creator of a topic you can edit the title (I think it's under "post options" on the right side of the topic) I have RA, Autoimmune hearing loss and tinnitus, Sjogren's, Hashimoto's thyroiditis. Also have fibromyalgia, but not sure if they are considering fibro an auto immune disorder or not. Does anyone know?
Flower Mama
Fibromyalgia is not currently considered an autoimmune disorderRA, anemia and sjogrensRA, Psoriatic arthritis, OA, pulmonary sarcoidosis, hypothryroidism, asthma, anemia.RA, urticaria (heat/cold and pressure sensitive), hypothryoidismHi and here my input.
RA, Asthma, anaemia, dermatitis, episcleritis.
Regards Janie.
janiefx12009-06-30 19:53:15RA only.RA, pernicious anemia, type I diabetes, far :)  I seem to add a new one every few years! RA, Sjogren's, pulmonary sarcoidosis and just for giggles even though it is not AI disease, Fibromyalgia and defective Aortic valve.  I have ra, lupus - the official term is rhupus, sjogren's, raynaud's, ddd, fibro (which my rheumy believes is actually uncontrolled ra)