How long before Enbrel starts working | Arthritis Information


Hi everyone
i am new to this forum but not that new to PsA. I was diagnosed eighteen months ago after having to quit work due to having tendinitis in my right arm, which I used all the time. I couldn't keep up the pace at work, feeling tired all the time,poor memory and unable to bend and kneel down. After sitting for long periods of time I noticed I was very stiff in my hips and staggered for a few minutes after getting up. I thought maybe it's just old age.
At 52 and having worked full time and bringing up three children for many years I thought resigning from work would see my symptoms decrease. I thought that having a break would restore my health. But not so! The symptoms remained and slowly got worse. Within six months both my legs had swollen so much, especially around the ankles, someone remarked that it looked like elephantiasis! Living in the country I was not able to see the same doctor as they came and went so no-one knew what it was. I had my heart checked, no problems there. Bloods normal - just very low on iron.
A short time later my hands swelled and were very stiff and painful. Maybe arthritis? I was given Prednisolone 50mg and instantly overnight I lost most of the fluid and my aches and pains were much less in the proceeding weeks.
I was referred to a rheumatologist but was still coming off the high dose of Prednisolone at the time of my appt. four weeks later . I told the RD my symptoms and family history (sister with fibromyalgia and Ps). He examined me and saw I didn't have any joint problems so he looked at my medical history and saw that I was taking antidepressants and concluded that maybe I thought the symptoms were not as bad as they were!!!!! Greencat
I'm sorry to hear you've had such issues with doctors but glad that you finally found one to listen to you. I have fibro and psoriatic arthritis and kidney disease. I have been on Enbrel for almost 3 months and have seen some improvment. Although not as much as I hoped. It took about a month for me to notice that I could move better when I first got out of bed, and when I have a flare up it does 't seem to last as long. I've started to do some massage therapy, just on my hands and feet. That's heaven. I hope you start to get some relief soon . Let us know how you're doing. Take care
thanks for your reply. It's good to hear from someone who has the same conditions as I have and is a little bit further into Enbrel Rx. Massage sounds like a good idea. Can you exercise much?

unfortunately not a lot. Being a mom to a 3 year old really takes up any free time I have after working full time. By the time I have her in bed for the night I can barely walk let alone get excercise. I use to love doing yoga but lately when I've tried it hurts my hands and feet so much it's hard to relax. Walking is pretty much the only thing I can do and that's only when my feet are not throbbing. Let me know if you find something that you can do. Take care.
AllymomGood Morning Green Cat and welcome to the forum.  You're story is very much like mine.  I had to quit my profession when I was 58 years old and diagnosed with PsA.  Five years earlier I was diagnosed with a severe onset of RA and also along the way developed OA.  PsA has been the most painful but not the most destructive. 

I was on Enbrel and did ok, was switched to Humira with no results, started on Remicade infusions and did pretty well until I had to stop the infusions due to pending surgery.  When I restarted the infusions didn't help.  I then started Humira, and increased  MXT and started Sulfasalazine and have done really well on this combination.  In fact my doctor thought I was in clinical remission until I had MRIs done of my wrist and synovial fluid was found.
Would it be possible for you to stay on the minimal dosage of Pred.  and pain medication until Enbrel starts to work?  That's what I've done over the years to alleviate the pain and to help me function on a daily basis.  I haven't needed Pred. for a couple of years and take pain meds due to the damage of RA and OA. 
I do water exercises and they are a great help and I've just started to golf again in the last year.  Exercise is so important to us but it should be gentle exercises because PsA inflames the tendons. 
I truly hope you get relief soon.  Keep us posted on how you're doing.  Lindy
LinB2009-07-02 07:24:52Hi everyone
thanks for your posts Allymom and LinB. It really helps to know what other people have been through, it puts my problems into perspective.
It sounds like there is hope after all with all that you have been through LinB. I am going to try water exercise again and I would really like to take up golf in the near future. Do you play eighteen holes? How do you feel at the end of the game?
I was wondering how you were going Allymom with the Enbrel? Are you having more success?
I have been on Enbrel for nearly eight weeks now and am starting to feel a lot better! Hi Greencat, welcome to this corner of the WWW. I have been on Enbrel a short time for RA rather than PsA. I did not have the immediate relief that some people experience, but I have had a gradual decrease in morning stiffness and can make a fist with both hands for the first time in years.

Best wishes to you for a continuation of feeling better and then even better, Shug

it's good to hear you are doing better. I'm doing okay, not great. Some days I can get out of bed and actually walk like a normal person some days, not so much. But I take it one day at a time. This is definetly better than before enbrel. Hey There
Not sure if this can help or not, but you never know.
Here is a video testimonial from a girl with Psoriasis talking about Nopalea, that has worked well for her.
If any of you are interested in trying this product for FREE email me.
Jason Cadwell
Sorry to hear that things aren't improving as quickly as you would like. I can't take Enbrel, though my brother does and with excellent results. I do recall it took a while for it to "kick in" for him [a couple months?]. He's been on it for about 8 years and does very well with it. I know that some people take Methotrexate concurrently with good results.
When you can, develop a consistent exercise regiment to help keep the range of motion.
One of the things I have in my arsenal of tricks is a great team of orthopedic surgeons. Sometimes my joint flares are so bad that they benefit from Kenalog [cortisone] injections.
Think positively.
