OT: 4th July Plans Anyone? | Arthritis Information


So.... what is everyone's 4th of July plans?

I am not sure what we are doing, yet. MIL & Hubby drained the pool since they could not get the dark green to go away and MIL did not want to waste anymore money on chemicals. It took a day & half to drain it. Then hubby climbed down in the pool and cleaned it with bleach. Then started filling it back up again. It took 3 days to fill the darn thing up!
My oldest niece wants to have a swimming party over here on the 4th and invite all the family. I told her only if she cleans my house for me. She said she would, but she has not called in a few days, so... maybe she gave up on the idea. I hope so, as I did not want everyone at my house. That was the reason for saying she would have to clean my house and make it smell bleach fresh
I believe we are going to in-laws for the 4th and having a cook out with his family. Grandpa and the mean uncle will most likely be there. So... I will probably be staying in the house away from them and the bugs.
I am not a holidays kinda person. I do not like to be around a lot of people.
Sounds like fun. We just like to buy the small fireworks. We are not much into fireworks. We like the strobes and the chicken that lays an egg LOL! We buy about worth of small fireworks and that is usually enough for us.
My hubby is off work all this coming week. No one is working where he works. I have to put up with him for 9 days. 2 days down only 7 more to go LOL! What? sometimes we get on each others nerves if we spend too much time together without one of us gone for most of the day.
Joonie... you tell Grandpa if he doesn't have anything nice to say:  Shut up.
sounds great, Snow... I would LOVE to have personal fireworks visible out my bedroom window!! 
We are going ot the shore.... Thurs, Fri and Sat.... coming home on the 4th for great fireworks over our local lake...
I dont mind crowds so much....  but i'm not very tolerant of peoples' poorly behaved children.....  
Happy fourth of July!!!
Alright Joonie, get that Honey Do List ready and put him to work doing all the projects around the house he needs to get done, LOL!  I am giving my hubby a list tomorrow, and he is actually looking forward to it, if you can believe that???  It keeps him busy and loves to cross things off the list!
For the 4th I guess we are going over to my SIL's parents for their annual party.  It's not my favorite thing to do, because we don't know that many people, but as of now we haven't gotten any other offers, LOL!  Our close friends that we really like to get together with are traveling out of state so such is life. . .  We have gone to this party for the last 4 years so it will be okay, we know who to sit with (and who to avoid)!
Oh he already told me what he was going to do this week. He said he was knocking off the chimney that goes to the fireplace in our bedroom. It has been leaking when it rains hard and the hardwood floors were getting soaked. Then one morning I was laying in bed and it was storming out and small pea sized hail was coming down the chimney and bouncing around on the floor in my bedroom.
Oh and then there are the critters that keep coming down our chimney. One time a squirrel fell down the chimney and was running around my room and all over my desk and then hubby got out of bed to take care of it, and it ran up the chimney.
Then... recently like 2 weeks ago... we had a gray rat snake come down the chimney after the bird and her nest that was in our chimney.
The snake is what done it. It was hiding under my desk and then came out and hubby saw it and then I sat on the bed laughing my ass off at hubby, all the while giving FIL a play-by-play of hubby VS the snake.
So... chimney gone. No telling how many days it will take him to do that.
ETA: I was joking with hubby when he told me he was going to knock the chimney down... to leave it up so maybe a rhino or an elephant can come down it and go all spaztic in our room. My son, the one that just got back from his deployment, and his wife will be up from NC tomorrow.  Thursday we'll head up north to a lttle ttown called Frankfort with most of my husband's family and spend the fouth with his parent's on Lake Michigan.  We do it every year and it's always a blast.  And this year we'll have Alex and Kristin so it'll be even better.That sounds so wonderful Linda!  I know you will have a wonderful time with so much to celebrate.  Enjoy every minute!all the villages here chip in for a big  4th  holiday celebration in a nearby village. They have the parade and a small carnival in the school grounds and a ginormous fireworks. This year the school got a HUGE new playground installed and it will be open for buisness on the 4th .. When Ally and Jakies dad was 1 the same school had just installed one of those big woooden playgrounds. its gone and replaced  now.
I like to  have a quiet day maybe cook hot dogs and laze on the hammock. Last year though I started crying during the fireworks because I just miss Lizzie so much. She loved the fireworks every year and I just couldnt stand it last year. 
I'm so damn sad these days. I miss my sister, and I miss my little girls and I just want to cry.
kathy_in_wlsv2009-06-28 12:54:24
That is GREAT Link-a-doodle! Enjoy!
The chimney did have a cap, but it blew off during one of the big windy storms we had beginning of the year. Hubby likes to procrastinate... so...
I have a friend who has a barbeque every July 4th.  Will be there.
Hope you have a good day.
Our 4th will be nostalgic.  We're back in the small town where we lived before we retired and hit the road fulltiming.  The 4th starts off with a pancake breakfast downtown then there's a 4th of July parade, bbq at our friend's ranch with fireworks.  It will be a long, fun filled day with friends that we haven't seen for several years.  I can't wait....Hope everyone remembers our freedoms - Life, Liberty and the Pursuit of Happiness.  Lindy LinB2009-06-30 09:34:35Picnic and fireworks down by Lake Michigan i think im just gonna relax all day
until its night time
then im gonna go see the nice fireworks at the mall
they used to do them at the park
but this year, its the mall
last year i went to the lake and watched them
it was BORING
at least the saturday after the 4th of July
is my birthday celebration day
so july 11th is gonna be fun for me too
Tomorrow is Canada Day and my kids, dil, sil, granddaughter, mom and her husband will be here at my place for a bbq.Sounds like fun Kel. [QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]Sounds like fun Kel. [/QUOTE]
Prickcushion, this is a thread about the 4th of July, to which YOU don't celebrate.  So keep your skanky Brit ass out.
[QUOTE=Lisa0nline][QUOTE=Mrs Pincushion]Sounds like fun Kel. [/QUOTE]
Prickcushion, this is a thread about the 4th of July, to which YOU don't celebrate.  So keep your skanky Brit ass out.
well I don't celebrate the 4th of July either..but I don't think that really matters, LisaOnline.
Pin...yeah..should be a good time..looking forward to it.
Sounds like everyone has great plans for the most part. :)
We are going out to the desert to celebrate with DH's cousins. We're supposed to go riding dirt bikes and 4-wheelers. I have a feeling I'll be getting hurt. LOL  I'm not actually going to ride alone, there's no way I'd be able to hold up the bike. My wrists are probably going to fall off at some point!! ;)
Sounds like everyone has some great plans for the 4th of July!
I hope everyone has an enjoyful day!
I have to functions to cater...one a cocktail party for 70 and also a dinner for 45. Neither group are celebrating the American  July 4th.  I think they are just regular mid winter comforters.
Spring is not too far off as there are some lambs AND daffodils about. Now that is worth celebrating here. 
[QUOTE=LyndeeNZ]Spring is not too far off as there are some lambs AND daffodils about. Now that is worth celebrating here. 
The back story for these kids is moving.  Their mom's car was hit by a drunk driver and she lay in a coma for eight months.  The kids would sing to her at her bedside, and they'd also sing for others in the hospital.  She came out of the coma and is in a wheelchair now, and she's so proud of her kids, and she should be, they're really something.  Such beautiful voices, mature stage presence, awesome harmony.  It's really worth a watch!
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