Splitting Pred dose | Arthritis Information


Hello all, I have just started to experiment and split my 4mg pred to 2mg am and pm.

 I have been on Pred for over 4 years and the sweating has been a constant worry.  So far today I have had fewer sweats, even went to the Supermarket and was not dripping with wet face and hair!
 Unfortunately the pain in my shoulders has increased
I know we are not meant to split doseage, but ..... its winter here in Aus and I'm overdue to give anything a go!
Anybody have any other suggestions or tried this with results?
Hugs , Hope to all, Lyn
I've been on pred also for 4 years (right now 5 mg).  I've tried splitting the dosage but no luck and actually felt worse pain all day.  Taking the whole dose in the morning works better for me.  For a while I was getting by with 2.5 mg daily but have had to increase to 5 lately.  I also have GCA, so when my jaw is painful and I get a bad headache, I increase even more until the symptoms subside, then go back to 5 mg.  I think I'm stuck at 5 for a while.  As for sweating, I take a soy isoflavone supplement (50 mg) daily.  I used to take it twice a day but seem to be getting by with once a day right now.  It took 2-3 weeks to kick in, but it has relieved much of the sweating I was experiencing.  Best wishes.  Ima.

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