Hair & MTX | Arthritis Information


Has anyone notice a change in their hair since taking MTX? Initially I had hair loss and Babs turned me on to Biotin supplements which really helped. Now that I have increased to the maximum dose- I'm noticing more strands coming out in the shower again but also my hair has gotten down right curly! If I let it dry naturally it is a mass of beautiful waves!

My girlfriend who had breast cancer and went thru IV chemotherapy which caused her to lose ALL her hair, eyelashes, brows everything... her hair come back in ringlets.

Could the MTX which is a lesser chemo drug have had an effect on mine? Has anyone else noticed a change?
if only that had happened for me!!!  wow..I'd love curls!! 

I, too, have friends who've had chemo and gotten wonderful curly hair after.....
not for me....  *sigh*
Hi, yes, I am losing hair more than usual but my straight hair now looks really wavy/curly after so many years of MTX!  Regards Janie.

No extra curls for me.   Some slight hair loss and it does seem to grow quicker.  It's also very dry, so I'm experimenting with different hair products, drying on a low setting only.   I do have my hair colored, but can't blame the dryness on chemicals - others color and their hair looks nice and soft.   I'm guessing that it's a combination of meds and age.

The hairloss should stabalize once you are on a steady dose of the MTX.  If you are continueing to see it at too high a level (sometimes we just notice normal loss more cause we are paying attention) make sure you look at other potential causes.  Lack of enough protein in the diet is a very common cause.  Also take a look at the thyroidThanks for the info buckeye! I'm really not too familiar with what foods contain protein other than meat but I have a feeling that I don't consume all that much. I have borderline thyroid problems according to my GP but she has not prescribed is list of some protein sources...of course with borderline thyroid issues you should avoid soy protein
Thanks again Buckeye- I printed that out! I want beautiful waves!  All I ever get is bushy!  That is some good info, Buckeye, and there is that thyroid connection again!  I use the biotin too (even though I am no longer on MTX) and I swear that has been the best help to me... even now. love me that Biotin!!  my hair feels healthier, though not wavey or curly :(Want, I dosed up on the folic acid with my MTX.  I keep my hair really short, but sometimes I think it's thinning.  I'll admit I am vain.  I am not looking forward to shaving my head, so I think I'll try the biotin.  Whee, another pill to take...I've never noticed any hair loss over the 17 years I've taken mtx.