RAndom thoughts.................. | Arthritis Information



I have several questions.   All unrelated to each other, and I figured i should make one thread - and post them all - rather than make 10 threads.........

1.  Does anyone go to the chiropractor??  Is it OK?  My doctor says NO - but I know how doctors hate chiros, and so I dont know if he's just saying that ..... or if I really shouldn't go.  Something about the inflammation.   Does anyone go?  Does it help?

2.  Does anyone take vitamins/minerals/herbs while on prescription medication?   Is the DR OKAY with it?  Things that dont interact with the RXs and HELP?
If so - what?  What does it help? How much (dosage)?  What brand?   Where do you get it??

3.  When I wake up in the morning - I cannot open my hands.  Makes it difficult - almost impossible, to shower, and wash my hair.. etc ... until I get my pred in me - and a vicodin or two and wake up and soak them, and yadda yadda yadda...... I dont have that kind of time anymore........
so - HOW can i keep my fingers straight while I sleep so that they aren't balled up into a fist when i wake up ...???

4.  I work at a casino - I am a dealer.   I work 4, ten hour days.. on my feet.  It's hard on my hands, elbows, shoulders, feet, knees, ankles, and back.  It's hard on normal people - but I have RA.  So - It is getting VERY difficult to do this job anymore. 
But I LOVE my job and I dont know what else I can do.   I'm scared .... i'm 33 and thought I wanted to be in the casino business forever (LOVE IT)... but it's KILLING ME. 
I also work nights - so I sleep in the daytime, and sometimes, I cannot sleep.   I get insomnia a lot - Dr says it's the hours I keep..

I dont know anything about disability - how to get it - what it pays... etc.   I dont know if I can afford to live on a fixed income... so I told myself a long time ago that I was going to work until I drop, and I think I'm dropping.

It's either go on disability, or find another line of work.  I dont KNOW anything else.  I've always been in the casino industry.....and I dont know what I CAN do - without my hands.  I can barely walk anymore - ... I just dont know.  I dont think I have the mental capacity to go back to school, OR the money to do it - OR the time.


5.  If artificial bacon bits are NOT bacon.............. WHAT are they?

OK - I'm done for today.  I know I forgot some - so stay tuned for the next segment of "RAndom thoughts" brought to you by woobie

Thanks for putting up with my OMG - I'm-New-and-OMG - I'm-not crazy - and-OMG - I wonder-if-they-get-THIS ... questions........
Im sure it will wear off eventually..

1.  I used to go to chirpractor all the time.  Now I am afraid to go.  I had had times when I went that I would get muscle aches and headaches afterward.  Now I wonder if it was ra AND both my doctors who did not discourage my chiropractor before said ABSOLUTELY NOT NOW.

2. RA can give you heart problems.  Upon my doc's recommendations and I have always been health conscience anyway I take CO Q 10, supposed to be really good for your heart, calcium, glucosamine, msm, for joints, fish oil, garlic, and multi vitamin with heavy B complex.  I used to be on so many ra meds that I was taking a ridiculous amount of pills but now I am just on mtx and Enbrel. 

3.  Hope someone else can help you with three.  My stiffness is usually lower body - hips, knees and feet

4. LMAO  Good question.  Processed food for sure -which I avoid.  I try to eat all fresh fruits and vegetables.  Now I live in a town that there are plenty of healthy options.  I know a lot of places, you don't have many choices, like my husbands.  (We are trying to rent his place)

I hope your pain has subsided some.  Do you have an electric blankie? I get under mine every morning to defrost.  I am spoiled on disability but I think I will have to get up earlier for defrosting time when I go back to work.  I have been on disability for seven months.  I work as a ranger and hike A LOT.  Of course my ra has to effect my lower body.  That is why I am trying to get built back up.  It has to be sooooooooo hard to be a dealer with your ra hands.  I am on short term disability but there are several websites how to apply for long term disability.  It sure sounds like you would be a good candidate

Hey, I am easily entertained too.  Glad to have you for company


Glad to see RA didn't take your sense of humor away....

AHHH....your RA is mostly in your hands?...So is mine and boy they still are hurting in the morning, even being on Enbrel... it may be that we sleep at night with our hands in a fist, that's where the hand splints may work...It looks like they are going to have to add something else to my Enbrel.  Maybe hand splints are not such a bad idea.  If they will help out with the morning stiffness and pain, I am more than willing to use them. 

Working was getting to hard for me to do.  Since most of the work that I did involved using my fingers and wrist...so I had to stop working for awhile till I get them under control... I am not on disability, so I can't help you there.  But if anyone has any good ideas  as to how to get it, please let me know, as my husband has COPD and needs to go on disability.

I use a multi Vitamin, Vit E, Calcium, Fosamax and some extra B vitamins...They know what I am taking and so far no one has said anything about taking them...I think you are OK with what you are taking.

Chiropractor...Hmmm...I think I would be a little weary about going to one...I not sure our joints could stand up to all that pushing and shoving they do.  Even if I didn't have RA, I am sure I would  still be  able to take all that pushing and shoving on my joints.

You know that you can ask to go through a series of skill testing ( at a Adult Vocational Skills Canter ) to see what you are capable of doing and then they could  possibly send you to school.  That would give you a chance to still stay employed but learn a new vocation that is not to hard on your joints.   Since you are employed by the casino's, maybe they have a Human Resource manager, you could speak to about a job change over with them. 

I sure hope that better days are ahead for you...You have a great sense of humor and I would like you to keep it intact.

Looking forward to more of your Random Thoughts.

Hope your weekend was a good one.






I certainly sympothize with you. I used to sell cosmetics
at a dept. store and stood almost 8 hours a day. Then I got RA and could barely stand for more than 3 hours. The tile floors were a killer on my feet and legs! I personally think being a dealer at a casino is hard work especially if you have RA. BTW, I love FOXWOODS even though they always take my $$$.....LOL!

I have been to a chiro. before but not for RA. It was for a car accident but I was having arm pain which was RA related. The chiro. thought his treatments were helping the arm pain. I don't know if it did or not.

I take vitamin D with calcium cause I take pred. I also take a mult-vitamin. I heard that vitamin C is good for people with RA but whatever you take, I'd check with your
doctor first.

Unfortunately, we all have to make a living in order to survive but I really think that all the standing is not good for your joints especially if you stand in one place for long periods of time. Are you able to work part-time?

I have no idea about getting disability. I no longer work at the cosmetic counter but have started my own makeover
business so I basically make my own hours unless I have to do a wedding. Lots of standing in one place as well.

I have never tried a hand splint but I am sure they work.

I have mentioned on this board before about a "ginger soak". If you want details, just tell me and I will post them again. It really works to relieve the pain!

Hope things get better for you! We are all here to support you!

ginger soak????    yes - DO tell!!!!   is it like a paraffin dip......??  i love those!

NO one can answer the bacon bit question huh?   Honestly, it's one of the mysteries of the world!!   I will not eat them until someone tells me what they are!

waddles.........to answer your question - my RA is in my hands, elbows, shoulders.... and, as a New development... my ankles, toes, and knees.  I also have a lot of pain in my jaws....... TMJ - and it's getting more and more painful  every day.   My hips hurt sometimes.
I think it's pretty safe to say every damned joint in my body.... right now anyway.

It started with my hands and shoulders.   And it seems like with each new flair- something else starts in with whatever it was.  First my hands.. then my hands and shoulders.  THen my hands and shoulders and elbows.   Then my hands, shoulders, elbows, and ankles... on and on............

I will ask my dr about the splints, and about that patch. 

About sleep - I go to bed around 830 am - and I get up at 5- 5:30.  Even on my days off.  I know what happens to me if i dont get proper sleep, and I try very very hard to keep the same sleep schedule, and GET sleep. Altho - sometimes I get insomnia... and then - flares... or - the flares, and then insomnia. 
My doctor suggested that I do this - keep the same sleep schedule no matter my days off....he said that no matter WHEN I sleep - just keep it the same.. so I do.  I HAS helped.


I'm glad to see you people can appreciate a warped sense of humor.  
But - be warned - i type like I talk - and that means  A LOT.  hee hee

I like this place!   I'm so glad I found it!!!!!!!!!!!! You all are my new best friends..............







Answer to your ?  "what are bacon bits made of?"

ingredients for Bac-Os

Defatted Soy Flour

Partially Hydrated Soybean Oil

Water, Salt, Sugar, Artificial and Natrual Flavoring

Red 40 and other color added

Soy Sauce (water wheat,soybeans,salt)

Hydrolyzed Vegetable Protein (corn,soy and wheat)


Here is the best part....NO MSG ADDED!!!   Like... is that a better thing, than having all the above ingredients in the Bac-Os?

I'm not sure I want to eat them anymore...



Toni,  You are so funny.  Now we know you have Bac-Os in your cupboard Woobie  Yes I go to chiropractor a Gonstead chiropractor and he has helped alot. Look up gonstead chiroprctor and it will tell u about them. They don't jerk u around like the pthers and a good one knows what he needs to do. The site will tell where u can find a certified one. They will take an x-ray which I was against as I have had so many I should Light up but I said I was in so much pain I didn't care. Try one if u can. I take vit.fish oil, no herbs. U have to be careful with herbs with other meds, but if u do research on them I think they can help. I have heard to not eat night shade veg eggplant, tom potatoes etc but U just have to try. U do have to give these type of things several months to see if they will help. Good luck Pat52woobie,

Ginger soak:

Rinse and cut up about one lb. of fresh ginger, unpeeled.

Place in pot, put enough water to cover over the ginger (about an inch and 1/2). Bring to full boil, then lower heat and simmer for one hour.

Cool off and then soak hands or feet for about 15 mins.
I like it HOT but cool it off to whatever you can tolerate.

At first soak, you may feel tingling which I believe means it is working.....: )

Make sure you refridgerate this or it will mold. Reboil and reuse. No need to simmer again. You can keep this for about a week or so.

I find that the pain in my hands subside almost immediately.

Tell me if you try it and if it works for you.Makes me crave sushi



Not anymore...


Been borderline anemic all my life.  Always took iron pills - never helped.   Found out - with RA - your bones soak all the iron up - or is it that it CAN absorb it.. 

cant remember - something like that... body doesn't absorb iron.


i dont know what any of that technical mumbo jumbo means.
but i know that we have a problem with iron.
i guess part of the reason we're always soooooooo danged tired all the time... add to that the monthly visitors for women........and there ya go...




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