Here is a true funny RA story | Arthritis Information


I was in wal-mart the other day, because in-laws gave me a gift card to buy something for my birthday. So... I hung out at the clothing section and tried on a few things. Then about 45mins later I told hubby I needed to go sit down because my knees were getting stuck in the standing position from all the standing. So... he went to check out... I went to the bench. There was an old man sitting on the bench. He watched me walk over to where he was and I sat down. He looked at me and said "I thought only old men walked like that." I said "Nope... seems old women do too."  (not me BTW!)

You had a neat birthday and got to eat at the Red Lobster I hear. Yaaah...but please tell me about that place as I adore crayfish (Lobster) and want to know all about the menu.
 Either here or in PM will be fine.
Keep on keeping on are the proverbial breath of fresh air.
xxx Lyn
Why is that funny?  I didn't find it funny at all. 
What's really funny is you buying your clothes at WALMART, now THAT is funny as hell........
What's really funny is you buying your clothes at WALMART, now THAT is funny as hell........[/QUOTE]
why is buying clothes from walmart funny and sad?
I buy my family's clothes at Walmart
 I save big bucks and we look presentable
[QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=Lisa0nline]Why is that funny?  I didn't find it funny at all. 
What's really funny is you buying your clothes at WALMART, now THAT is funny as hell........[/QUOTE]
why is buying clothes from walmart funny and sad?
You HAVE to ask????????????????????????????  THAT explains a LOT!
[QUOTE=Lisa0nline][QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=Lisa0nline]Why is that funny?  I didn't find it funny at all. 
What's really funny is you buying your clothes at WALMART, now THAT is funny as hell........[/QUOTE]
why is buying clothes from walmart funny and sad?
You HAVE to ask????????????????????????????  THAT explains a LOT!
What does it explain?
well I guess I am eligible for generalized abuse now, because I shop at Walmart at least  twice a month.
damn and I thought I was being kind of thrifty and taking care of my family.
My kids wear Faded Glory clothes. they are durable and classic. shoot me.
All my clothes and DH come from Walmart, and we look presentable.
I found a really nice little bike for Ally's birthday there.  Darn I guess it isnt good enough since I only cost and came fully assembled and ready to go.

I normally do not buy my clothes from wal-mart, except some of my shirts and underwear. It just so happens that wal-mart is just about the only place I can find jeans that fit fat & short people. Yeah... you got it right I am a fat ass. Oh and a flubby fat ass at that. Need to be able to excercise... then it will not be so flubby, but probably still fat.

Yeah... we did have a Goody's but they went bankrupt. We do have a CATOs, but they do not carry pants for petite fat asses like me. Or maybe... they do... and I am in a common group for clothes? I know when I would go to Goody's to get my pants... that they would ALWAYS be out of the short & fat sizes of pants. It would truly depress me. I went a whole year without buying clothes.
When you exercise do you get rid of fat first... or do you build muscle first and then that gets rid of the fat?
But yeah...
[QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=Lisa0nline][QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=Lisa0nline]Why is that funny?  I didn't find it funny at all. 
What's really funny is you buying your clothes at WALMART, now THAT is funny as hell........[/QUOTE]
why is buying clothes from walmart funny and sad?
You HAVE to ask????????????????????????????  THAT explains a LOT!
What does it explain?
again...what does it explain?
[QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=Lisa0nline][QUOTE=kelstev][QUOTE=Lisa0nline]Why is that funny?  I didn't find it funny at all. 
What's really funny is you buying your clothes at WALMART, now THAT is funny as hell........[/QUOTE]
why is buying clothes from walmart funny and sad?
You HAVE to ask????????????????????????????  THAT explains a LOT!
What does it explain?
again...what does it explain?
IT cannot answer, because IT does not know how "THAT explains a LOT!"
So... which is better.... buying clothes from wal-mart or buying second hand clothes? Lisa0nline probably doesnt buy clothes, she hangs out 24 hours a day at her computer and doesnt need them...
I agree Kathy . We have Asda here which is the UK Walmart and our clothing section "George Clothing"  Sells good stuff.

Was it really necessary to post this ? The only reason someone would post a response like that would be to make other people feel badly and to maybe ones self feel bigger.....

think first then type
there used to be so much useful info about RA on this site.......what happened?
