Ganglion Cyst Of The Hand | Arthritis Information


Ever noticed a "bump" on the back of someone’s wrist or had one yourself. It may be a ganglion cyst. These are benign cyst which are very common. The most common location for one is the top (dorsum) of the wrist (60-70%). They may also occur on the bottom-side (volar) of the wrist, at the end joint of a finger (distal phalangeal joint), or at the base of a finger (palm-side).

There is no known specific cause for ganglions, but often there has been an injury before the appearance of the cyst. A ganglion cyst contains a thick, clear, mucus-like fluid similar to the fluid found in the joint. These cysts can be painful, especially when they first appear and with constant or strenuous use of the hand or wrist. Ganglions often change in size and may disappear completely.

The diagnosis of a ganglion cyst is based on where the cyst is and what it looks like. Your doctor may ask you how long you've had the ganglion, whether it changes in size, and whether it is painful. Pressure may be applied to identify any tenderness. A penlight may be held up to the cyst to see whether light shines through. X-rays may be taken to rule out other conditions, such as arthritis or a bone tumor. Sometimes, an MRI or ultrasound is needed to find a ganglion cyst that is not visible.
I have one now....... on the bottom of my wrist.....  doesn't hurt..... doesn't bother me......

Ganglion cyst removal, book method:
I had one at the tip of my finger at that last joint near the fingernail. Last for maybe 6 months and then just magically disappeared. That's what my doctor called it anyway....guess that's what it was.Lev, my hubby, nearly 50, is still psychologically scarred from having his wrist held down by 2 burly army medics whilst a huge leather bound book was bashed down on his ganglion on his wrist... he says it brings him out in a cold sweat just to think about it.  
Three bashes later and himself nearly passed out, they decide its not worked and he'll have to have it surgically removed.  He has a nice little 'war wound' scar and wishes they'd done that in the first place.