RA & Tendon Issues | Arthritis Information



I had my rheumy appt. on the 23.6.9, as my fingers are noticably starting to twist (I've seen it coming for the past year), but the Rheumy has only now decided to action an MRI (due the 14.7.9).
Apart from my high RF, all my inflamation markers are normal/high end of normal, and before we start on the road up the way of the drugs (i'm on sulpha which isnt working, and pain relief) I want him to be sure that I've got it. I understand the denial thing, I understand that as far as he's concerned I have it but I want him to make me feel sure... does that sound stupid?
Anyway, he said that they will do and MRI and it will show the sinovitis and if it doesnt he said he will have to think about other issues. When I asked him if they were RA related he said yes, so I asked him what other issues (my rheumy doesnt expand unless questioned, one of the best things I've learned on this site is to go armed with questions!). He said he didnt want to go into that until the results of the MRI were through (I have nodules on all my finger tendons which I'd say do the majority of my pain) I do have swelling on the knuckles of most of my fingers and there are 3 which are definitely on the twist and are more swollen than the rest, but nothing major (well not if I compare myself to a lot of the suffering on this site). To be honest if it wasnt for the pain 24/7 I could live with it all quietly.
Does anyone here have any personal experience with 'RA related tendon issues?' Any advice would be appreciated.
Wills- it sure sounds like you need more than sulpha. I wouldn't fool around waiting. 

Sarah, I am hoping some of the Psoriatic Arthritis ladies like LinB might cut in here.

I have not had tendon issues with my RA but it was my understanding that anyone with PA had tendon issues...and that tendons and the Psoriasis rash was the added extras on top of all the RA symptoms, that PA patients experienced.

Sometimes when we are diagnosed our RD cannot yet determine which form of the two inflammatory arthritis' we have. Usually if the PA symptoms develop then they know it's PA and if they don't then RA.
With nodules though, that could be causing the problems too as your RD suspects. I think the twisting is related. I don't have any nodules as you do, but hopefully some others here who have experienced similar may have some ideas for you.  
One more thing, Sarah, if the Sulpha is NOT doing the job as it should you need to get some action of that from your RD. Don't sit and suffer. The Sulpha obviously needs to be changed. Hi Sarah, my tendons are usually involved and for the most part a steroid shot has been used to free the tendon by reducing the swelling, mainly in my hands, but in my shoulders, wrists and elbows too.  Best of luck, you need an RD appt for sure.  Regards Janie. Well I am a tendonitis issue. I do not have PA just RA as far as I know. Really if the RA is somewhat controlled then the tendonitis is usually better. That is the stinker part of it the pain. My tendonitis shows up clearly on MRI. Well now you have me wondering. What course does PA take. Would you notice the rash first off? Or would it hide for years? Does PA itch? I have a silly rash it does not itch it is above my elbows. Alright I am a hypochondriac. Does the treatment differ much between the two.
After several months of guinea pig work at Mayo clinic it is decided that rather than fibro I have tendonitis from RA. That is the course of my recent endevors. From living in this body I feel it is part of the course as to how RA twist up the body in it's action to curl us up into a distorted ball. That is just my deppressing take on the subject. It does not mean that it works that way for everyone. Keep fighting this disease and feel better soon. I am just tired from lack of sleep due to the prednisone and well the pain does not help at all.
The majority of my tendon issues are on my Achillies'.  They don't cause me so much pain as much as effect ROM.  The tendons that cause me pain are in my wrist.  I don't have PA as far as I know.

Sarah, I hope you are able to find some drugs or combo there of to get things under control.   You are right; I too could live with a little joint pain... unfortunate that is not all that is attacked with this disease.  My years of denial caused lung damage and may have contributed to my current heart issues.  I know you have read all the various post on combination and AP and Rituxan... my point being, we have wonderful choices for treating this disease and giving us our lives back or, better yet, preventing worse things from coming down the pipes!

Good luck and I will be thinking of you!
  I am seronegative and was first dx with tendonitis in my hand, then RA when the MRI showed joint fluid, etc. and my CRP and ESD were elevated.  I think I have had this issue for years.  I used to play soccer and would try and try to stretch out my calves, and the more I stretched, the more they would feel like they needed to be stretched, and itchy.  I think if it weren't for the fact that I stand on my feet, I would have lost a lot of ROM in them, and probably have to an extent.
In less than a year, I have lost ROM in my right wrist.  I have an erosion but no joint space narrowing, so this is RA damage to tendons, not bones, etc. I guess.  My fingers are getting a bit twisted.  I also have a bump on the tendon in my "good" wrist.  I remember the one time I tried rock climbing 10 years ago I had the same deal with my wrists, I would push my fingers back to stretch them and it just felt like that made it worse, they would tingle.
Anyway I am on Humira now which has helped a lot, and mobic.
Katie I am so glad the Humira is helping you.
Wills the truth of it. If I just had a swolllen foot I could take that. It is the toe that is constantly being drawn by the tendons the wrong way that hurts like crazy. The ROM it has is all wrong. Dare I try to stretch it or straighten it out I simply scream. It has very deffinate narrowing of the joint space. It can be plannly seen by the human eye. No medical degree or even knowledge of RA is needed  to see the damage. The ocupatiental therapist ran out of the room and said I am going to go take another look at that exray. They can not put a splint on that. I would scream all day. It will not go the right direction unless they do surgery and free up the tendon. I can not even gently try to coax it straight with my hands it hurts to much.
bumpbump Hi guys
Thanks for the replies, lots to think about.
Cordy - PA sounds like what I've got, and the rashes that I've had come and go so I thought I'd probably touched/eaten something that had upset my system. No doubt he will come to his decision after he's seen the MRI scan, which is due on the 14.7.9.
Janie - before being dx they told me that I had trigger finger, I had shots of steroid in the webbed bits of the hand.. bloody hell it hurt
KatieG - giving my hands a good stretch causes tingling. When they are swollen they tingle without stretching. I do my exercises every day... even if it hurts, the physio says its better to try and keep things mobile.. but over the last year there's a definite limitation in how far I can stretch my right thumb.
Milly - its hard not to become a hypocondriac when you have RA, you become very aware of whats going on with your body and every little new ache/hurt could be something else, at least you are aware you're like this... so you'll know when its real or not
What else can I say but thanks for all the supportive answers, I know I need to go on up the drug ladder, and although you're all suffering and that's why you can offer this help, I'm glad you're all here.
.... Sarah,
I have PsA and I have a lot of tendon problems, many of which have come on in the last couple of weeks. I have severe plantar fascitis, I have had that for about 18 months. That is some of the most horrible pain, I also have Achilles issues in my other ankle and tendinitis in my fingers from the nodules on my right hand. The only thing I am on for my PsA is Enbrel, not really sure if it's making a big difference as I'm in the middle of a bad flare right now. I also have kidney disease so I can not take any kind of anti inflammatories. Oh what I wouldn't do for some Aleve. Hot baths and regular massages help my feet. Take care.
Up Again My achilles tendon gives me problems sometimes - I have a special boot to wear if I need it and I have had to get cortisone injections for it but it seems to have been behaving for about a year now.  I have Ra and PA so I guess it just goes with it all.  Hugs and good vibes.Sarah,
I have tendon problems from my RA.  I would have to say that my shoulders (rotator cuff) are the worst.

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