keep doing few exercises/physical activity to cut | Arthritis Information


i came across this that arthritis pain can be bought under control by doing very simple things like physical activity or exercises. I came across this thing in this site- But just for easy sharing im putting it here. Spread it around to others who are suffering frm OA or RA and help them live a beautiful life too... You can also know more about RA/OA on this website. I exercise on a regular basis and I really think that it has heled control my RA and Fibro. How much do you make posting those links? Is it profitable? I've been researching different on line opprotunities and have wondered how it works. Can you share your experience with us Joy? I'd be more interested in that. I've noticed you've posted this on several different places on our site. Is that all you have to do? Join random sites and post links? How many hours per day do you put into this venture? Seems simple enough. Don't you feel weird though joining forums just for those purposes or do you just accept it as part of the job.

Have you been able to quit your day job and only do this as the opprotunities promise? I've seen where a lot of these are scams....but other's promise results. What's your experience been?
That's really funny!  Thanks for the laughs this morning.

