PMR & brain fog | Arthritis Information


"Hello". Am new to this board. As a matter of fact I registered just minutes ago.
Am taking prednisone and am in the process of reducing the dosage. Has anybody noticed what I refer to as "brain fog". More annoying than forgetting where you placed your keys. Like keeping an appt. a day late.


I am 55 and was diagnosed with PMR last July.  It is a running joke in the family about how "I have lost it".  I go looking for things and forget what I am looking for, I forget names and I forget common words to form a sentence.  I was probably going a bit vague before the onset of PMR ( I put it down to menapause), but since being on prednisone the situation has worsened.  It is silly, I know, but now I'm starting to look out for symptoms of demetia and other related diseases.

I definitely believe that depression is a very valid symptom of prednisone because there are days when even if I'm not in much pain  I still feel like sitting in a corner and having a good cry.  Small incidents seem to magnify into major events.

Before PMR I was healthy, energic, happy and carefree.  I walked every morning for fun and exercise.  Now I force myself to walk because it is now with pain and a limp.  One of the hardest things I have found to adjust to is taking all the medication.- 15 mg prednisone daily, Fosamax weekly, 1 1/2 calcium and vitamin d daily.

My pain level is reasonably low today but my self motivation is low as well.

As well as the PMR symptoms, have I described the emotional symptoms that you are feeling?

Take care


PS Try not to lose too many things

Obviously "brain fog" symptoms can appear in relatively normal, healthy individuals as we age anyway to some degree but Prednisone can affect nerve cells and cause some magnification of these symptoms.


"Some findings suggest that administration of high doses of prednisone may facilitate the experience of negative emotion and shifts in frontal EEG activity, and impair some aspects of cognitive functioning"