Update on the ticker... | Arthritis Information


Hey all, I had the TEE done today and am just now coming out of the fog. That versed is magic stuff!  I slept all the way home, all afternoon and all evening and really don't feel like I will have any trouble sleeping tonight.

The news is not great - he says the valve needs to be replaced sooner rather than later.  He spoke to DH as I was out of it.  I still need the cardiac cath, they are to schedule that and call me tomorrow, I think. 

I had this great fantasy going on in my head about how I would have this done and the CD would say how there had been some error and nothing was wrong.

I am too sleepy to panic about it today, but I feel it niggling around the edges...  
Well you just sleep and we will pray for you. If you get scared call the doc and tell him you need more of that stuff he gave you.Not good news when the ticker is involved, I might be ready for another stint in the not to distant future. don't panic waddie!!  It is what we need it to be right now.... and right now, we need it to be fixed...... so you can continue on being the funny, compassionate great friendly person that you are!! 

heart issues are like dental issues nowadays..... they are so use to these surgeries that it's like a filling and /or a capping of a tooth...... easy as they come!!
You will be done and have it all over and wonder why was I anxious?
Hugs.....Hang in there, Im here for you!!
[QUOTE=waddie]Hey all, I had the TEE done today and am just now coming out of the fog. That versed is magic stuff!  I slept all the way home, all afternoon and all evening and really don't feel like I will have any trouble sleeping tonight.

The news is not great - he says the valve needs to be replaced sooner rather than later.  He spoke to DH as I was out of it.  I still need the cardiac cath, they are to schedule that and call me tomorrow, I think. 

I had this great fantasy going on in my head about how I would have this done and the CD would say how there had been some error and nothing was wrong.

I am too sleepy to panic about it today, but I feel it niggling around the edges...  
Oh Waddie,
  I know this wasn't news that you wanted to hear, but you hang in there.  Things are going to be okay

I agree with the rest who have posted and ditto their sentiments. Hang in there Waddie- keep coming to us for support and I will keep you in my prayers! I have a good feeling that everything is going to be just fine.

Good Luck to you and I know it's tough but hang in there.  You are in my thoughts and prayers.  Keep us posted.  HG{{{{{WADDIE}}}}}, surgery is frightening, very frightening, especially when the procedure is going to be taking place on your heart.

I am thankful that we live in a time when much of what ails us can be moderated by medication and at least some of what goes amiss in our bodies can be rectified with surgery.

Waiting, and then waiting some more, now that you know surgical repair is necessary, is going to be difficult. I wish I could do the waiting for you and that you could go clean my house! Morning Waddie, the worry about surgery and the worry about the unknown are different.  I don't think you'll panic about having a valve replaced as much as you did about the unknow.  That's the worst.  Heart surgery is one of those areas in medicine that have come a long way.  It's a little more complex than dental surgery  but routine and not nearly as dangerous as it used to be.  I know nothing I say will change the fear of having surgery and I can only wish my best for you.  You're right, Versed is great.  LindyGood luck.hang in there Waddie and enjoy the versed!
Look, I know its scary but valve replacement happens all the time. I dont know where you are but if you look up the Strong Memorial Hospital in Rochester NY, the cardiology section, they have patient stories including one with a valve replacement..
My best friend's son had a valve replaced about 10 years ago and is doing great.. in fact he had his wedding just a couple weeks after the surgery!

Good thoughts and prayers are comming your way! Try not to worry...you have lots of support out there!

I am blessed by such friends!  Having so much supports lightens my heart and eases my mind.

Thank-you Kathy for that information, I will look that up this afternoon.  I keep telling myself the surgery will be a snap, just prep for the recovery.  My niece is a cardiac ICU nurse and she has been answering the million and one questions I keep calling her with, the poor dear!  She has offered to come for the surgery to support DH and my sons! 

My cardiac cath is scheduled for the 15 of July, and my follow up on the 20th.  I did tell them if there was a cancellation of another cath, I wanted the slotl  I want this over with!  He said things will move rather quickly after this so I guess I best get my ticket punched for this train ride.  I feel like cleaning house again!   Much hugs and a prayer for you. My very best wishes for a calm, peaceful, and joyful weekend. Remember that train? Get it stopped and prepare to unhitch the cardiac issues car. Your time is coming! Hey all.  Versed is good, and xanax ain't bad either!  At least I am not thinking of buying a kleenex factory just to keep a supply on hand. 

Boy, my house is looking better and better!  You could eat off the floors!  I am thinking of rearranging the LR today.  DH is always so shocked when I rearrange while he is at work.  He says he thinks he has walked into another house.  He always knows when something is bugging me because I try so hard to order my environment.   He is a saint for putting up with me!  I may be working on the 2nd bedroom - I want to do some art before surgery day, some I have been putting off because of RA issues.  That seems so silly now, putting off something I enjoy because it causes me a little pain...  Pain...pfffttttt!  There I found it. It is getting hard to find stuff. I will repeat my self a bit. Or I could say go read Shugs thread because I posted it there by mistake. Anyway the art thing sounds like a fun thing to do. I was thinking maybe moving furniture could wait awhile. That is that I know you are in a hurry for your surgery but it is best to wait for a cancellation. Glad you are in somewhat of alright spirits. Prayers.Thanks Milly.  The dust bunnies have all run from my house whimpering in fear! Dust bunnies? I have herds of dust elephants that drift room to room and back again, grazing on dog hair, human debris, the dust blown freely by the canyon winds, and the flotsam and jetsam of living.

So, Waddie, an update on how you are doing, please. Has the Wellbutrin taken the edge of the anxiety and provided a space of peace for you?

Good vibrations and my very best wishes to you and to your DH.

Cheers, Shug
awaiting an update here too..........  Me too I am so glad to know where you are! Now, share some pictures of that studio space and tell us in what direction your creative energies are doing to flow. Checkin' on Waddie, hang in there! Good luck again.Beating elephants and bunnies... oh my!
GOod luck again.Hey all, thanks for the well wishes!  It sure makes my day easer!

Shug, I fully intend to have my son teach this old dog a few new tricks when he visits!  I haven't a clue (and yes, it is very Oh my goodness Waddie! I've been gone a while so I'm now trying to bring myself up to speed. Heart surgery! Before a surgery I act as if I'm preparing for armageddon.. and that my family's survival might depend on frozen meals, clean underwear, and fresh sheets   
I wish you all the best for a speedy return to health.
LeilaWaddie,  wishing you a very successful surgery and recovery.
And by the way my house is full of dust bunnies too.  Oh and thingy's hanging from the ceiling!  Not many people look up, thank goodness.
Sending hugs and prayers to you and DH.
Good luck on your upcoming surgery!Hang in there Waddie!  Making art will do your mind some good!
Here's one for ya! Our dog Mopsie, he is now referred to as "The Kitty Slayer". He killed the neighbors kitten. Oh my hubby has a "checklist" of the poor animals he has hit with the car over the years. First kill was a bunny when we were dating. The bunny could not make up its mind and decided it was "safer" to run back out in front of the car. Oh when Abbi-Kitty gives me that "look". I tell her if she does not stop giving me that "look" I will throw her to Mopsie. I use to threaten her with that, before he became the kitty slayer. Now... I do not even say it to her anymore. Because I am afraid she will get out one day and he will harm her. So... no need in making hallow threats anymore, because they could become reality now that I know mopsie is a kitty killer.
Oh... Abbi has had her fun with a few mice in the house. It is funny to watch her chase it around and throw it around and play with it. I think that is the only times I ever see her play, since she was a kitten. I try to play with her, with her fishing toy, but she does not care. She just looks at me with that "look" and walks off.
[QUOTE=waddie]Milly, I declare, I think I am going nuts!!!  I was doing pretty well and then got smack between the eyes with the "what if..."  I just couldn't shut my mind down and knew I had some things to do to try and quiet the "what if..." voice.  I wrote some hard letters to my sons and DH and made some updates to my will.  It has been a rough few days, being forced to think of the possibilities.  Hopefully, I have quieted things down for awhile.

I know the visit from #1 son will help loads, both boys (men to most, boys though,  they will always be to me!) are so sweet and kind and loving and caring... I am lucky to have such wonderful men (including DH) in my life!  And they cook too! [/QUOTE]
Hang in there Waddie...It's going to okay Thank-you Shug.  I know you understand.  I do feel a little better than yesterday and yesterday, I felt better than the day before.  I seem to have scaled this brick wall and I feel a smoother path under my bare feet today.

I look forward to the day and my son's visit!  I can't wait to feel that big old genuine from the heart and soul son to mom hug!  What a gift that will be!  I intend to get as many as I can!  It has been almost a year since I've had one, starving artist don't have money to travel!

So today, my heart feels whole and unbroken.

  I cannot begin to describe how excited I am about your son's visit. The only regret I have in my life is not having children. Well, in truth there is one more, not having the possibility of grandchild. So! I am very thankful you are sharing this gift/visit with all of us! It is amazing what a hug can do for the spirit.  Having just had my daughter and family visit and seeing my hero, my sister, after 4 years, I can vouch for healing hugs.  Enjoy each and every one of them Waddie. Oh Waddie- I am an expert on the what if's. Not about how to cope with them- just with having them. They are awful! Hope you enjoy your visit with the sons. Here is my advice that I always have trouble following myself....most of what we worry about never comes to be. If God brings us to it- he gets us through it.  Put it in His hands. I truly have a good feeling that everything is going to work out just fine for you. You're in my nightly prayers. Thank-you all for the well wishes!  I am truly blessed in so very many ways, and certainly to have such wonderful support here and at home! 

Seeing my son was wonderful medicine!  We said nothing of the upcoming surgery, but not in an avoidance way...  It just seemed so far away when he was here as to be almost non-existent!  It was so very soothing for my mind to be so quiet about the things I have been so worried about and I felt so very peaceful and calm.   My arms around him in a big hug... So glad you had a nice visit with your son. I think you are having what I call a good gut feeling that  means everything is going to be just fine tommorow. Hope you get good news! Let us know how you made out. [QUOTE=waddie]I am not even worried or upset tonight about the carotid artery test tomorrow... [/QUOTE]
All my best wishes. Sending you good vibrations!

so very glad to hear that you had a great visit and that your mindset is as it is..... 
testing will be fine and you'll know you're doing a-okay....

Waddie...I am so glad this test is over with and pretty good results.  Before you know it surgery will be over and you will be on your way to a quiet and restful summer with renewed energy.

Good thoughts going your way.

PatMaybe the next time you will not be so blue as it will be over and done with. I have had alot of surgeries and do not remember being blue. Just remember the pain a little bit. Really how long have you been taking the antideppresant? Sometimes they make me feel blue. I get the way bad side effects from them. For me I am happier with out them. I know they do people alot of good but everyone is different. Waddie! I've been thinking about you all day too! So glad you checked in to let us know how it went. That's good news that there is no new or further damage then they already suspected. Cross this off your list. Now you'll get that valve replace (fixed?) and you will be feeling good! Did you plan a date?
I don't know the answer about the anesthesia but I suspect Sno's theory could be correct.
Rest up and try to keep cool!
[QUOTE=waddie]Quick question; Does the anesthesia (versed, valium and benedryl) cause anyone else to be depressed the day after... or is this just me being blue?

I think, and you know how dangerous that can be, that most of us react to any procedure that requires anesthesia with a degree of depression, whether or not from the drugs used to induce surgical sleep.

My friend, this has been a very long and stressful period for you (and for your DH), you are entitled to be depressed! As Lindy said to me, it is okay to crawl into that hole, but you can't stay there.

Rest, recoup, and keep on putting one foot in front of the other and ALL this will be left behind.

My very best wishes, Shug
Oh I just got to thinking about it. Heart problems cause deppresion. It is one of the symtoms. This to shall pass. So yes maybe a while after the surgery you will feel better. much and many hugs to you, waddie! Good for you. All of this waiting around is giving me an ulcer. I can not even imagine what you are going threw. Hell or high water. Yup, yeah, yes, right on, you go woman. Your stance does you proud and made me laugh out loud with sheer delight. I admire your courage, fortitude, determination, as well the dedication you are demonstrating regarding your own well-being. Go gettum!

good for you!! WADDIE.....  stand your ground.. too many docs and nurses at these offices think they can dictate us around...
stand firm..... and I'll be waiting to hear on monday what is said.
*HUGS* to you
Waddie, I hope you were able to get your questions answered and received some responses that first make sense and second give you peace of mind.

All my best wishes to you and to your DH.
I finally saw the CD yesterday and it was a long, long day.  After going over the anatomy of the heart with DH and I, he said it was a congenital defect, bicuspid aortic valve and the stenosis was probably hastened by the RA.

He answered all our questions and took all the time I needed, so that was really nice.   He is a little concerned with my lungs, but other than that, he was happy with my state of health and not too concerned about the RA.  No blockages or damage (yet) and the heart is normal size.   I must go for a lung function test and see the dentist to make sure there are no pending problems that may lead to infection.

We discussed the types of valves they may use to replace Ol' Rusty, the choices being mechanical or porcine I did my usual, dissolved into tears when really discussing the procedure and the possibilities...oh waddie, dear.
I'm sorry this is upsetting you so much.... I'm sorry you have this to deal with.
But I am SO thankful it was caught before damage and you can be helped..
Step by step...you're getting there. can't wait til this is all behind you and all is well. Hang in there waddie! Will keep you in my prayers!Hi Waddie, I haven't been around much and am just getting caught up......you're my new hero.  You and Shug are dealing with all of this with grace, dignity, and are asking all the right questions and DEMANDING answers and help. 
Dissolving into tears is a normal state.  We all do it when we're faced with such a threatening medical treatment or disease.  Even at my age I dissolve into a puddle of salty tears.  Mine is usually from frustration - not being able to control the situation.  It will soon be over and you'll feel better than ever....maybe you can start jogging [QUOTE=SnowOwl]

There's nothing wrong with ya, Waddie, you're scared, that's ok. 

Take a deeeep breath.  Make the call.  Keep the appointment.  Get it over with, take that leap of faith, you'll be oh-kay.  [/QUOTE]
Well folks, the appointment is made.  I wish I could tell you;  I got up this a.m., first thing, chose a surgeon, called and made the appointment. 

Waddie, I am glad you have a consultation scheduled and am sorry that I cannot offer any words to set your mind at ease.

I send you all my best wishes...wishing it was more.
You'll be in my prayers. Waddie...I am so relieved that the apppointment is made and it will be a relief to you after you see the surgeon.  It has to be done and before you know it you will be running around the block.

Keep us 'in the loop' we need to know you are ok !!!

glad the appointment is made........    I think of you so often....... good wishes  Hello all...

The appointment went well and we decided on the surgeon.  We also decided on the hospital - heart hospital - even though it is a place neither CD or PD has privileges.  I asked about hospitals and he said he would go where ever I wanted him to, so I asked where he was most comfortable operating and he said heart hospital... TA DAAAAA!  He spent a good deal of time with us and I felt very comfortable with him.  I can tell he is centered and singular when it comes to his surgeries... and seems extremely calm... ) maybe not the best thing to do!  I need to do the PLF on Friday, and am working on the dental appt. issues (check-up and cleaning) and that may put things off, as this is a busy back-to-school time for them.   Also, DH and sons are working on their schedules... And, I need to chop off my hair, it was a real pain to wash when I had my chest surgeries.  But... it looks like I will be having it the 3rd or 4th week in August.  

I was shocked at how exhausted I was when I got home yesterday!  I hardly made it to the bedroom before I passed out on the bed!  I slept for 4 hours!!!  I think, in part, it was having the weight of having the decision of surgeon and hospital and meeting/visit with surgeon out of the way!  I know I feel better (I purchased a book, Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques as well as the CD's on meditation, by Peggy Huddleston and another, The patient's Guide to Heart Valve Surgery by Adam Pick.  They are both easy reads and I recommend Huddleston's book to anyone nervous over any medical procedure.  Here is a web site for excerpts;  http://healfaster.com/  I used similar techniques years ago with great effect and why I have not been able to employ them sooner is beyond me!

So... I am now replacing my worries with positive imagery and a new attitude!  The book suggest having a support team... and you all have been nominated! 

YAY!!! You made a decision! I am happy that it is almost all over with in the decision making area anyways.

Much & many hugs and prayers for you!
Waddie what can I say - nothing except to applaud you
I know how difficult this decision was and am so glad it is now behind you.  It seems you have made the right choice;  and it is obvious from your post that not only did the consult go very well but your Surgeon actually cares about you!!
It is perfectly natural to 'collapse' when you got home you have been soooo worried about it all.  I am sure though that it will be onward and upward from here.
I will certainly be sending you lots of good wishes early Aug & know that I will be thinking of you on the day. 
Good luck,
I am so happy things are finally moving for you.
Keep us posted when you get your appt.
TeedOff2009-07-29 18:16:12 [QUOTE=waddie] Hello all...

The appointment went well and we decided on the surgeon.  We also decided on the hospital - heart hospital - even though it is a place neither CD or PD has privileges.  I asked about hospitals and he said he would go where ever I wanted him to, so I asked where he was most comfortable operating and he said heart hospital... TA DAAAAA!  He spent a good deal of time with us and I felt very comfortable with him.  I can tell he is centered and singular when it comes to his surgeries... and seems extremely calm... ) maybe not the best thing to do!  I need to do the PLF on Friday, and am working on the dental appt. issues (check-up and cleaning) and that may put things off, as this is a busy back-to-school time for them.   Also, DH and sons are working on their schedules... And, I need to chop off my hair, it was a real pain to wash when I had my chest surgeries.  But... it looks like I will be having it the 3rd or 4th week in August.  

I was shocked at how exhausted I was when I got home yesterday!  I hardly made it to the bedroom before I passed out on the bed!  I slept for 4 hours!!!  I think, in part, it was having the weight of having the decision of surgeon and hospital and meeting/visit with surgeon out of the way!  I know I feel better (I purchased a book, Prepare for Surgery, Heal Faster A Guide of Mind-Body Techniques as well as the CD's on meditation, by Peggy Huddleston and another, The patient's Guide to Heart Valve Surgery by Adam Pick.  They are both easy reads and I recommend Huddleston's book to anyone nervous over any medical procedure.  Here is a web site for excerpts;  http://healfaster.com/  I used similar techniques years ago with great effect and why I have not been able to employ them sooner is beyond me!

So... I am now replacing my worries with positive imagery and a new attitude!  The book suggest having a support team... and you all have been nominated!  [/QUOTE]

Don't dawdle making that appointment!
seriouisly waddie.. I've never heard anyone who was so complete in their research and prep as you are being..
I will hold you in my prayers and know that this will all be for the best..
Make that appointment dear!!!
Waddie- all the best to you! You have done your research very thoroughly and I have a good feeling everything is going to go great for you! Keeping you in my prayers... TTT...awaiting an update.
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