Cortisone Shot | Arthritis Information


Saw a new rheumy today (other one left) and she says she is not convinced it is PMR because of my age (42 and getting tired of hearing this now). She wanted to try a cortisone shot in my shoulder to see if it made any improvement. She said this was mainly for diagnostic reasons. It didn't make any difference at all.

I'm a little confused to why I had to have this. Should I have noticed any improvement? From what I can understand, cortisone shots are not normally used in the treatment of PMR. Or are they? 
Can anyone shed any light on this for me please? I seem to be taking one step forward and three steps back with these people
Thanks guys.
I was originally diagnosed with frozen shoulders and treated with cortisone injection. You're right, doesn't do anything if you've got PMR. Once my doc figured that out, which was sooner rather than later for me (whew) I began to improve immediately with pred. It's a tough med to live with but it does work. My rheumy misdiagnosed me a year and a half ago, said I had roator cuff and injected me with cortisone (on two separate occasions).  Each time the pain came back again.   I was not diagnosed until a month ago.  My shoulders are "trashed" now.  (They grind when I exert them.) Is it because of the steriod injection or because I went for almost two years without the treatment of prednisone?  I don't know.  Nancy

I don't know anything about rotator cuff etc  - but I do know that Omega 3 Fish Oil 1000mg per day has helped me with osteo-arthritis in the knee.   Its worth a shot.

mrs UK
