Question About Enbrel | Arthritis Information


I just started taking Enbrel last week and I know you're not supposed to take it if you have an infection, etc.  The nurse made that pretty clear...said it could cause pneumonia.

But does anyone know if Enbrel can cause you to CATCH a cold, chest congestion, etc? 

It's unlikely to be the actual cause of it.

Considering you've just started it, it's highly unlikely that it's related at all. Biologics leave your system vulnerable to things such as colds and illnesses due to the fact that it lowers your imunne system. It takes several weeks for this to occur though. If you've just started Enbrel it's very unlikely to have anything to do with it.

I've been on Humira for more than a year now and I have not gotten any fact I've been less sick than other members of my family. If I do get sick it takes me longer to get well compared to the rest of my family; but I have not found that I get sick any more often than I did before Humira.

They do warn you about this; but try not to be paranoid about it. That only brings on sickness in my opinion. There's no reason to become a serious germ-a-phobic. Be cautious; but there's no real reason to be over the top with it.

Hope whatever is happening with you passes quickly.


I have to go off Enbrel this week because I am getting a tooth pulled on Wed.  I am hoping when I go off it, this cold FINALLY goes away.  I don't think Enbrel  makes you sick like Lovie said, I think for me stress does, but if you are vulnerable to infection, like stressful times, it does take longer to heal.  RD says root canals, getting tooth pulled, makes you vulnerable to infection also. 

Let us know how you are doing and keep your stress levels low.  Remember, it is the season to get sick, my hubby has been sick and HE NEVER GETS SICK  Good luck 

Like I mentioned, I've only had 1 injection and I feel soooo much better.  My energy level is also back up, but not where it used to be.  Hopefully that will get better with time.

Thanks again! 

I was on MTX for three years and NEVER once was sick with anything that required an antibiotic. Since been on Humira I've had several bladder infections, sinus infection and bronchitis. I do think it make you a little more subseptable to things.....but not so much that you need to freak out and be overly worried.

You'll become a little more aware of those sick folks at the grocery store. Try to avoid them....and wash your hands more often than you're use to. Try not to put your hands in your mouth, eyes or nose anymore than absolutely nessesary. And nail bitting is like asking for trouble; but you'll be ok.

It's far worth the small risk you take. Don't discontinue use of your meds until you get to the point where you think maybe you should see a doctor for an infection or something. Every sniffle or cough does not warrent a doctors visit though.

You having such a quick, positive reaction to Enbrel is excellent news!! Excellent!!!

USC -  I have been told that those who have had a quick reaction to Enbrel are the most likely to get the benefits from it. 

I just need to stay away from common illnesses to stay on it.  I also work with kids.  Lots of exposure.  Can't wait to hear about your progress.


i have been on enbrel for about 3 months. after i had been on it about a month i did get a sinus thing. but it is not stopping me i feel soooo much better since i started talking it!!! when you do get sick you  just stop taking it until you finish your antibiotics. good luck!


When I first went on Enbrel...My nose started to run and about 3 days out from my shot, I will feel somewhat congested.  It never goes any further than that.  But the running nose is a real bummer.  I have to walk around with Kleenex stuffed under my sleeves...makes me feel like such a nudge.   I haven't had much else happen.

Okay, today I'm supposed to take my 2nd Enbrel injection.  But for the last couple of days, I've had chest congestion...coughing up a little phlem, etc. 

I've got a call into my RA doc, but in the meantime, let me ask the group..should I skip the injection? 

I asked my rd the same thing.  He said not for a cold but chest congestion could be more than a cold.  He might want you to see him.  Good to wait.  I had to skip this week for dental week and so far - so good.  Not suffering but I do look forward to getting my injection. 