Complaining ... | Arthritis Information


Just thought I'd complain to people who truly Understand what i'm going through...Its hard for family to really understand, but they do try. 

I get teased that I dont stay up late anymore...past 9:00pm is too late for my body...the next day I'm sore, worn out and hurt all over. I dont get why this disease affects us like this.  Does anyone get like this too?

I made myself stay up late ...11:00pm  to pack for our vacation, fold clothes etc. Oh boy, I was sooo sore but made myself keep going, felt like every joint hurt from my neck to my toes on top of my back problems! I woke up this morning and oh man, everything stiff, sore, UGH!!!! It's so frustrating knowing I'm not "normal" anymore, I cant do just normal things, like pick up the house, fold lots of clothes and run around doing things unless i want to suffer that night and next day! I want to have a baby, but really am thnking twice now...that is SOO much stress, and i bet it would make things so much worse. (I have two sons right now as it is)

I'm also getting these flares every few weeks, that last 3 days, come on strong out of no where anytime during the day, hurt like hell in the beginning, then completely go away 3 days or so later. My RA doctor calls it Palindromic RA.
FUN FUN FUN!!!  Thanks for listening...any tips, let me know, i'd gladley take em! Please dont let people tease you unecessarily, sometimes teasing can be nice but not when you are feeling so bad.
Dont push yourself too hard,everything in moderation is good, if you find everything is getting too much, leave it and have a rest.
The fatigue is worse than the pain sometimes , I am often in bed by 9pm too ..Dont let RA put you off of having another baby, speak to your doctor, maybe there is somethings he/she could suggest.
Good luck
Do you think maybe you need a medication change? My RA is pretty much controlled and I am able to carry on an almost normal routine on a regular basis without feeling ill effects. I hope you can find a way to achieve this as well. All the best to you.


I might need a change. My RA dr. told me he might want to try some different drugs (Arava, Immuran...? or Cellcept) , but i kind of pushed him away from it. They really scare me and i got really sick when i tried MTX.  He instead said lets increase your plaquenil and see if it helps any. I guess I'd rather be in a little pain and just deal with it then try anymore scary drugs.

Thanks for the ear guys klynn- I understand. The stronger drugs scare me too. My doctor has been suggesting biologics forever and I always find an excuse of why it's not time. I tell him I think I can accept the pain, my x rays came back showing no damage- I don't need it... He will not force me. He says it's my body and my decision what to put into it BUT he feels I should proceed. He says PREVENTATION of damage is what is key.

I am in the process of figuring out whether or not I have an infection. When it's resolved I'm pretty well set on beginning the biologic.  Besides the doctor's advice...I'm getting weary of never feeling good like I used to.


I might need a change. My RA dr. told me he might want to try some different drugs (Arava, Immuran...? or Cellcept) , but i kind of pushed him away from it. They really scare me and i got really sick when i tried MTX.  He instead said lets increase your plaquenil and see if it helps any. I guess I'd rather be in a little pain and just deal with it then try anymore scary drugs.

Thanks for the ear guys

Enjoy your vacation! Hope you have a less pain and more fun!
Just on a note with the exrays. Damage does not show up on exrays for sometimes 2 years after it has happened. Well that is what the doctor at Mayo said about bone changes. Sort of more depressing news there.Klynn, I hope you are feeling better today?  