is this true | Arthritis Information


my grandma sayd that if u walk or exercise and stuff

then u dont hurt as much
btw she has arthritis and she says it works
but i dont think so, ive been going walkin w/ her
and it hasnt helped me much at all
after we walk i hurt worse sometimes
so does walking and exercise and stuff really make ppl w/ arthritis feel better???
I've found it to be true.  The more active I am, the less I hurt.

yeah same for me sorta

my feet hurt this morning and when i walked they didnt hurt anymore
but i remember the first day of walkin, didnt do anything
i was on my bed the rest of the day... in pain lol
ok..I will agree with you there...with the feet.   My feet have a lot of damage, and sometimes I just can't do anything like walking..but when that's what's going on, I use my bike.i wish i had a bike...
i used to have 2 bikes, but i never used them
so i never got a new one
so i dont have the chance to ride a bike now lol
maybe someday i'll buy another one lol
yeah, they're nice to have .....I have one for riding outdoors and I also have a stationary bike.  So if the weather's crappy or I don't feel like going out, I can either go on my treadmill or go on the stationary bike.If your body is not use to walking more them a few blooks, your body will hurt the first few days, but the more you exercise, the better you feel.  My RA doctor told me not to give up, to do everything I could, But not to overdo.  Right now it has been over 100 degree for the last 3 days,  So I walk around Walmart.  Rusty, that is a good idea, but if I go to the mall or something, I buy too much
its been colder here, like only in the 70's
perfect for being outside
without gettin too hot and sweaty
I love to walk. I do not know if it is good for me physically or not. I think it is. If I am able I walk. I hate being stuck in bed and when my body alloys me to walk I do it for my mental health as much as anything. I feel as if I have been grounded or being punished when I am stuck in bed. So for me it is like I am free I can walk. Even if it id just for a little while it gets me out of the house. Some times I have to go back to bed but at least I got out for a little while.i like stayin in bed all day rather than walking
but thats cuz im lazy and hate exercise
Well I some times feel that way. I just like it to be by choice rather then because I can not walk. I am a little bit on the rebellious side. If I have good tunes and my laptop it is alot more bareable. I think being sick and for you, you are still growing. You probably are really tired more so than lazy. But lazy works for me some times also. LOL [QUOTE=StarPerson121]i like stayin in bed all day rather than walking yeah i always got my laptop with me while im in bed
lol and i got books to read and my nintendo DS to play
so its NEVER boring
oh and nah im just lazy
i was the same way before i got sick
You sound like an all American kid. Every kid I know has a DS. At least your honest.yup lol
i have 3 Ds's lol
i had one, then it broke
so i bought another
then in April the DSi came out, so i bought that too
Wow really I have not seen the new DSi in person yet just on comercials. Does it have internet access? I know you could chat on the older DS I do not know what kind of radias it had. The grandkids would chat to each other in the house. They would tease me and pretend to be some boy that was flirting with them. They are to young for boys. I know my grandson had something that had internet access but it was not a DSi. I can not remember what it was called. But he could check his Myspace and talk to his girlfriend. He is fifteen.yeah the DSi is pretty cool
i got it the day it came out, april 5th
a whole week before i got sick lol
at least when i was stuck in the hospital for 6 dayz i got to use it
well it has a web browser, so yeah internet access
its pretty cool, u can do most stuff
but u cant watch utube videos :(
i used to use my DSi and go on utube and send messages to my friends alot
but it was super slow, so i decided it was easier to use my laptop lol
Maybe it is a newer version of gameboy that my grandson has. Does that sound right? nah that doesnt sound right lol
cuz when i a little kid i had a gameboy
and after the gameboy, then the DS came out
maybe its a PSP, i have one of those
and they have internet access too
That is probably what it is. It is hard to keep up with. By X-mas who knows what they will have out.yup thats what it might be
wait... what was the point of the origanal post anyways
i know i wasnt talkin about DS's
oh yeah, so i guess i should keep walkin everyday so i wont hurt as much
and since it keeps my blood sugar low
Yes that is right. I always unplug my grandkids and make them go swimming or walking or playing or something. It is important for your health. When you get older you will find that it even lowers your bloodpressure.yeah i guess thats why my mom goes walking too
she sayd she got high blood pressure
so i guess walkin might help with that
so im lazy, but now if i dont walk
i know my blood sugar is gonna be way high
like tuesday i walked and i was only 123
wednesday i didnt walk and i was 149
i walked today and was 122
walking makes a BIG difference
That is really great news. Sorry you don't enjoy exercise but if that is the results you are getting it sounds like you need to keep it up. Keep a record of this. Maybe as time goes by it will get even lower. Good Luck!yeah im happy its low
cuz monday my diabetes doctor sayd i should try to be below 140 now
and i thought it would be impossible, cuz it never had been before
but with the walking everyday, i got below 140
i remember last weekend i was bad tho
friday night was 210 and saturday night was 281
and im supposed to be below 200
i hope i'll be ok this weekend tho
i guess if i walk, then i'll be fine
Let us know how this is working. I know they say exercise is the best thing for a diabetic. I did not know you had this problem. I hope the wheather stays nice so you can keep up your walking. I know that you have to feel better with a lower suger level. At least it gives you a little less to worry about. Also keep cheering your Mom and Grandmother to walk it is good for them also. Msybe your family needs a tredmill for rainy days.I know it helps, because dueing and after taking radiation and chemo, I used a power chair at the stores,  for 8 months I used one, but the last 5 weeks I been walking instead and I feel better.  I think   ( I know I did) you get lazy and have your mind made up that you can't do things.  It is easier and hurts less to just give up.  We should try everything and if we can't try again and again till we can.  Just make sure you don't overdo,  and take vare of yourself.

Starperson I think you honestly need to get out with kids your own age and do something instead of sitting in front of the computer all day and talking with people who are twice if not three times your age.  Yes you need to move and you need to exercise if you dont want to end up in a wheelchair!

well i dont have diabetes, forever...
i have steroid induced diabetes lol
eventually when im done takin prednisone, it'll be over, in a month or two
yeah i have a treadmill in my basement, i used to use it before
but then i stopped
i think im gonna go walking again today...
but im so sore and stuff lol
but of course if i dont then my blood sugar will be super high
especially with what i plan on eating today
Alright glad to hear it is temporary. glad to hear you are going to walk. Prednisone makes you eat alot. Well it does me anyway.yeah the prednisone made me eat alot too lol
then i got a little fatter
so i guess the walking will make me thin again too
it was fun and went really quick lol
we were done in like 20 minutes
and now im super tired