What does your Dr. check? | Arthritis Information


What do your Rheumy's check when you go in for you regular visit?  I'm wondering if there's tests or things my dr. should be checking every now and then?

I'm only on plaquenil /Mobic so no liver tests. Do any of you get bone scans, or xrays or any kinds of lab work done on a regular basis? 
When I see him every 8 weeks, he asks how I'm doing, and answers questions I have then I go home. I havent had any blood tests or anything for 1-2years, is that what normally happens at your Rheumy visit?
I have blood tests done every two months, and xrays every two years. If there is a problem, then he does additional tests. At every appointment he listens to my heart and lungs and checks my joints for range of motion and any visible swelling. I'm only seeing my RD every 4 months now, with blood work every 8 weeks due to taking mtx.   CRP,Sed, RF, anti-CCP have not been tested since dx in Feb 07  - other than one time for CRP as I was having some increased activity.  Do others have these re-tested periodically?  If tests are positive, not sure it matters if there is variation - don't symptoms tell the story much more than blood work?
At my visits, weight, BP, pulse, temp is taken, checks hand, feet, elbows, knee joints, listens to heart/lungs, reviews treatments, asks the typical questions.  
Xrays - had baseline when dx, but not since.  Asked once and the answer is that change doesn't occur too quickly and if RA is controlled they don't do xrays very often. Maybe every 3 years.   Since I'm at 2 1/2 years and I've had a little increase in activity, will probably have xrays in Oct.     I'm going to push for that as I'm a little concerned after LinB mentioned that she had damage occuring when she thought remission was going on.   I think it was LinB.   
Great question!

Thanks guys, its good to have an idea what others go through at their appts.

CathyMN- I've never been retested for CRP etc. It would be intresting to see if others do.

I see my RD every 2 months. He requires that I have bloodwork done prior to the visit. It is checked for complete blood count, my liver & kidneys, calcium, ESR, CRP, gloucose...
At the visit I am weighed, my BP is tested, my lymph nodes are checked, my joints are tested for ROM, he listens to my heart & lungs and palpitates my abdomen. He reviews my current medications and blood work. He asks me how I have been feeling and we talk about any concerns he or I have.

I had a base line xray done of my hands in 12/07 by a different dr. and xrays at 18 months by him of my hands, wrists, ankles & feet.

edited for xrays
wanttobeRAfree2009-07-02 14:42:00My RD checks my joints for swelling, warmth, and tenderness in my joints at every visit. She marks it down on a stamped figure in my file and she circles or X's joints.
I get blood work done every visit too. well sometimes I do not get it done, but a month or so later.
The nurse checks my BP, pulse, weight and med changes.
That is about all.
Mine just about checks zippo. I have to ask what the last bloods figures were.
Have not had one xray done since I got this thing ma bob.
Ten minutes max, pay 130 Bucks,  and out the door.
I get the impression I'm the doctor and I know better than you.

When I mention that I get the tremors and shakes when I get physically, Not the Ra or the drugs.
That's it, see you in three months.
My RD checks all my joints for swelling, range of motion, listens to my heart and lungs, listens to my carotid artery for any whooshing sounds.   The nurse checks my weight, blood pressure and pulse.  I also do bloodwork every two months.
We also chat about how my various damaged joints are feeling and I get x-rays of hips every 6 months and an MRI yearly because of the AVN.
Hi Klynn, you need to have regular eyechecks while taking plaquenil, please ask your GP to arrange it with an eye specialist.  My RD checks joints for warmth, swelling and mobility.  He arranges any bloods, XRAYS, or procedures he wants done for next time.  He also checks blood pressure, weight, heart and chest (lungs).  He always asks me how I have been and do I have any questions.  Regards Janie.  He gives me about 1 hour each time due to me living 2.5 hrs away.CRP and SED rate do respond to treatment and should be checked on a regular basis.  I also get CBC, Liver and Kidney functions done every 2  months when the infusion nurses flush my port.
I get everything x'rayed at least once a year but also keep in mind that I have 7 replaced joints that need to be checked.  Other x'rays depend on my symptoms.  X'rays are usually performed at this point by my various orthos.
Rheumatolgist responds to my complaints but again this a ptient specific.  I've had RA for over 20 years and know my body and my dr knows me...
Here's my check list but remember I have PsA and OA along with damage and pulmonary and cardiac complications from RA.  Weight, height (once a year) BP, pulse, labs every 2 months which include CRP, CBC, glucose, minerals, thyroid, kidney and liver functions.  He checks all my joints, notes problems, listens to heart, lungs, carotid artery.  Talks with me about how I'm feeling, pain level, about what I'm able to do and can't do and usually ends the session with the lose weight lecture.  I didn't get it last time because I've lost 10 lbs.  Have MRIs (hands/wrists) as needed to search for lurking synovial fluid (a sign you're not in clinical remission) and xrays at least once a year of  feet and lungs.  Have bone density study once a year.  My primary takes care of everything else.  I'm lucky because my primary and RD are best friends and I have a great team of doctors assisting me.  Lindy LinB2009-07-03 09:42:16When I go to the RD  my weight, BP, pulse and heart are all checked. The RD also does a 28 point joint check, ROM on feet, ankles, knees, hips, hands elbows and shoulders.
We talk about concerns and where we are with treatment. We generally discuss ALL my meds, not just the RA and fibro stuff.
If I have seen my PCP between  the RD visits we discuss that as well. We also discuss my cardiac state and any tests etc I have had with that.
Because I am biPolar and prone to major depressive episodes we usually discuss my state of mind as well as a bit about daily life chasing little kids.
He is awesomely thorough. I would say he spends a minmum of 25 minutes with me, and the nurse who does the vitals etc spends about 7 or 8 minutes.
Ditto to just about having everything checked everyone else has said.  In addition, we discuss new medications, new ideas on control, she checks to make sure she has been updated by any other doctors I may have seen, any new health concerns.  My visits usually last 30 min. or so, longer if I am having health issues. BUMP ttt Thank you all for your replies, it gives me a lot to remember and ask my RA dr. about next time I visit him.
Bodak:  I remember talking with you about tremors once before. Have you found out anything new about it? I saw a neurologist, he did an MRI on me, said everything looked normal and thought it was due to my medications. Once I stopped my Medrol they did slow down a bit, but I do notice them every now and then, usually when I'm putting pressure on my hands or carrying something heavy, or stressed. Have yours gotten worse?

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