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Hi, Im Emma, 32 have had a painful swollen big toe for 9 months now, second toe down on same foot became sausage like two months ago, got screened for gout, given anti inflamitories, then got to see a specialist in reumatology (sp?) yesterday who sent me home with booklet on psoriatic arthritis, had another blood test, am going to be started on sorry have forgotten the medication but it canmake you sick so have to be started slowly then blood taken every month for 4 months to check for anemia, then hopefully if things settle thats me indefinately, I have never had psorisis but my gran did, I am in shock and worried as to how severe this is going to get, I have two kids a 7 year old and a 3 year old and am very active, am worried about getting psorisis also, can anyone offer any more advice on this, can it just stay in my foot?? thank youHi Emma
First of all, I'm sorry you have to go through this, but welcome to the forum. I've only been on here
for a couple of months and have already gotten great advice. I am 31 and have a 3yr old so I totally get hard hard this disease can be. I think that most importantly you need to take carrot yourself so you can take care of the kids. Easier said than done I know. Be active when you can, but rest when you need to.   So as to your question about whether or not you will have any other joints involved is hard to tell. My feet, hands and back are the worst and just a few months ago it was mostly just my hands. I'm on Enbrel and it has helped some, but it's not a painkiller. I was really apprehensive about taking something that could make me sick, but so far I haven't had many issues. Like most things, it's different for everyone. Anytime you have questions or need to vent we're here, there are lots of knowlegable   People here. Take care.
Hi, Emma!  I'm new to the forum, but not to PA.  My best advice is: once you find meds that help, stick with them.  If you like your doc, stick with him/her.  Don't quit taking the meds just because you feel better.  Getting this illness under control can make a long-term impact on your health in soooo many ways! 
I'm 50, pretty well under control, feeling much better than 7 years ago when I was newly diagnosed.  In fact, they thought it was lupus at first.  I used to spend a lot of days in bed w headaches.  Now, I can walk and work and go on vacations like a normal person. 1st off, welcome! 2nd, I would get a second opinion if I were you. If I understand correctly, you do not have Psoriasis yet? By definition one MUST have Psoriasis to have Psoriatic Arthritis. The arthritis can occur at the same time as Psoriasis, but it's extremely rare for arthritis to preceed the P. Sausage digets are not seem in Rheumatoid Arthritis so that pretty muchs rules that out. Reiters syndome sounds far more likely to me. But, in any case, hang in there. Things will get better for sure. I was basically crippled by PsA before starting on Methotrexate. Now, it's just a bad memory. Pain is gone and it's truly no big deal.
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