OT..Federal ‘organic’ label’s integrity unde | Arthritis Information


WASHINGTON - Three years ago, U.S. Department of Agriculture employees determined that synthetic additives in organic baby formula violated federal standards and should be banned from a product carrying the federal organic label. Today the same additives, purported to boost brainpower and vision, can be found in 90 percent of organic baby formula.

The government's turnaround, from prohibition to permission, came after a USDA program manager was lobbied by the formula makers and overruled her staff. That decision and others by a handful of USDA employees, along with an advisory board's approval of a growing list of non-organic ingredients, have helped numerous companies win a coveted green-and-white "USDA Organic" seal on an array of products.

Grated organic cheese, for example, contains wood starch to prevent clumping. Organic beer can be made from non-organic hops. Organic mock duck contains a synthetic ingredient that gives it an authentic, stringy texture.

Relaxation of the federal standards, and an explosion of consumer demand, have helped push the organics market into a billion-a-year business, the fastest growing segment of the food industry. Half of the country's adults say they buy organic food often or sometimes, according to a survey last year by the Harvard School of Public Health.

Great article, Lynn!  I am sick to death of seeing the words "GREEN", "NATURAL", and "ORGANIC" used just to sell products!!!

Our buying bucks speak louder that any regulations that we could possibly put in place.

Greed is disgusting!
[QUOTE=waddie]Great article, Lynn!  I am sick to death of seeing the words "GREEN", "NATURAL", and "ORGANIC" used just to sell products!!!

Our buying bucks speak louder that any regulations that we could possibly put in place.

Greed is disgusting!
Yes it is.............
LOL its even on dog and cat food!  Organic and natural If you can lick your butt, what do you have to worry about???? [QUOTE=waddie]LOL its even on dog and cat food!  Organic and natural If you can lick your butt, what do you have to worry about???? [/QUOTE]

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