Recommends movies/music | Arthritis Information


I am hoping this sticks because some of us are home on disability.  On days I cannot get out, I am lost for entertainment.  Since I don't watch tv except for renting movies I would love to hear of any good movies you have rented lately.

A surpriser but lots of fun was Chumscrubber.  Anyone seen that one?

Also - music - my tastes are very eclectic - from jazz, to folk, to alternative.  Anyway, I just got this great mountain music female vocalist that I absolutely love - Abigail Washburn.  Song of the Traveling Woman.

I am going to keep bumping this and hope that you guys let us all know when you get a good cd or dvd.  If you have to be in pain, distractions REALLY HELP

If you haven't seen The Wedding Crashers, rent it.  Very, very funny, although the language is a little rough.  Made me laugh so hard!

Yeah, I agree Usc...The Wedding Crashers was very funny. 

Not sure if you've seen "The Notebook"  I love that movie.

i find alanis morisette uplifting. the song "thank you' and "i would be good." I listen every morning as i am getting dressed.

Here are some that I like...

Blast From The Past

Pretty In Pink

Up In smoke

I'll post more as I remember them.


These are great.  I have not seen some of them but I have to tell you that I had to see WEDDING CRASHERS three times.  IT JUST CRACKED ME UP.  You have to see it.  Kelly, I read the notebook and loved the movie.  Alanis Morisette is one of my favorite female vocalists.  I will look for those songs and Blast From the Past - haven't seen, will check it out - OK Gina,  I very bravely made it through SAW which I ended up loving even tho it scared the pitooty out of me, is it worse than that?  I will see if Brett will watch Texas ChainSaw so he can tell me what happens when I am not looking

Off to make Rice Crispie Treats before Brett gets back.  I know I know, I am always talking about how healthy I eat - they send you a free MP3 player and you dload the books and then put them on the MP3 player - been a member for 4 years - love it.... i can recommend A LOT of books.
if you sign up for it - tell em WOOBIE sent ya - we'll both get free books.  hee hee

or - like a Netflix for audiobooks. LOVE IT.  been a member there for a few months, and there are books they have that doesnt have. 

I can t handle reading - my eyes cross and my hands cant hold the danged book...but i love books.   I'm always listening to  books...

as far as movies - well.......... netflix rocks!   i never have a chance to watch all the shows on TV that i want... cuz i work nights, so i get all the TV shows -- starting with their first season - from netflix.  I just got done with 4 seasons of 24, and season 1 of desperate housewives... I've seen all of Sex and the City - and now i'm doin Roswell for my kids and next i'm getting Lost and Monk.  I wanna get Scrubs, Dead Like Me, and CSI.... but i can only do one series at a time, LOL.  
I have 3 days off a week - and love to sit and watch a whole season of something all at once.   I dont know how people wait a whole week to see the next episode of something.  It would drive me nuts.

ANyway...... that's what I do for entertainment...

let me know if you need some audiobook recommendations... there are SEvERAL that I absolutely love.


WEDDING CRASHERS is high on my list but I also just got through watching the WAR OF THE WORLDS, the second time (the first time at the movies and this time on DVD).  It's GREAT.  and I am not that fond of Tom Cruise either but he did one heck of a job in this one.

Alisha Keys (Unbreakable)    and Nora Jones ( Moon Song) have become my favorite singers for 2005/2006

Look around their sites and you can hear some of their recordings.  They have Player's on those sites and Alicia Keys "Unbreakable" is done in full rich bass.  That is ...some goooood listening.

March of the Penguin's.

Wonderful movie.

If you rent DVD's make sure and watch all the extras.


Toni,  I have Norah Jones on right now.  I have two of her albums.  That is all she has out so far right?  .  I LOVE HER. 

Rozbuds - I saw March of the Penguins - I am a big nature lover and I loved that movie - one that I might even have liked better is Winged Migration - Have you seen that one? 

Woobie,  I am so excited about audio books.  I am going to look it up right now.  I use netflix and I LOVE that.  That is why if you guys recommend something I can put it in my queue and get a surprise.  I don't know if you have figured it out yet, but I like a lot of offbeat stuff so I have to ask - have you seen Six Feet Under?  OMG  It is my favorite show.  It is so wierd - like a night time soap but very WIERD.  It also has the best gay couple that you fall in love with.    Anyway, I don't get HBO but I have rented every season from Netflix.  

You guys are great.  Now I got to go check out audio books. 

Finished rice crispie treats - now dab a little bleach behind my ears and hubby might think I did something today

This is a good book if you like the new millennium type fairy tales, grownup style of course.  It's about a English young woman of considerable wealth and how her life changes after her father remarries a woman with 2 daughters.  Yep, it's a Cinderella story, only with a modern pitch to it.  You can get this book in paper back.

'Phoenix and Ashes' by MERCEDES LACKEY

They say we are suppose to get some snow showers tomorrow night,  just to be on the safe side and if it goes further than that and end up being snowed in, I am going to go and get another book to read... any recommendations?  Sci-fi or thrillers preferred.



as far as I am aware of, she only has 2 albums but a whole lot of singles.  If she does have another album out besides " Feels like Home" and "Come Away with Me"  Let me know, I would love to buy it.

also...has anyone been following Enya?  WOW is all I an say.  Her voice is Fabulous  ..."Paint the Sky with Stars" has quite a following.

waddles38755.3872222222Toni,  WE have the same taste in music.  Love Enya too.  [/QUOTE]

OMG ok -  ALL of the books I get are UNabridged.  I NEVER get the abridged versions - I figure if the author wanted it read that way - he would have written it that way.  Some of these books are super long - but those are the ones that I love... they keep my entertained for a long time..........

If you're going with audible - dont worry about what they cost, because if you sign up - you get credits.  I get 2 credits a month - and it doesn't matter if they're 10 dollar books or 100.00 books.  this is why i always get the expensive, unabridged versions. 

if you go with - they are like a netflix - but they queue doesn't come in order, like netflix does.  they come first availability.  so - if i get a series or something - i just copy them lol.. (shhhhhhhhh) until i get them all and then listen.  I got all the Harry Potters from them - and of course, got the last one first, so i copied it - and waited.

I get both services.  Audible costs me 21.95 a month and simplyaudiobooks costs i think 24.95 a month.  With simply audiobooks - i just get them - copy them, and send them back the next day - so I can get MORE a month that way - and then I also never run out of anything to listen to.

Just a little tip there .......... 

I like a variety - from sappy to thriller, to mystery to fantasy - i like everything ..........

Memoirs of a Geisha - Arthur Golden

All He Ever Wanted - Anita Shrieve

DreamCatcher - Stephan King (the narrator is awesome - I liked the audiobook way better than the book OR the movie)

The Devil Wears Prada - Lauren something  HYSTERICAL!

Wish You Well - David Baldalcci  (LOVE THIS ONE!)

Life of Pi - Yann Martel

A Million Little Pieces and My Friend Leonard - James Frey

The Secret Life of Bees - Sue Monk Kidd

Anything by Nicholas Sparks, Dean Koontz, Anita Shrieve, Nelson DeMille...or

Dan Brown (DiVinci Code, Angels and Demons, Digital Fortress...etc.)

if you need more - let me know........




Dont get me started on music! LOL   

Book recommendation...

If you like fantasy - and want to read an awesome series -

Terry Goodkind... the Sword of Truth Series
Wizard's First Rule is the first book.   

It's like a grown up version of Harry Potter... only way better - way more adultish, and very well written. 

ok - I'll shadddup now........



oh - and Roxy - 6 Feet Under is in my queue... LOL 



       Roxy Our liabrary has hundreds of audio books check yours out It doesn't cost anything Pat

Oryx and Crake by Margaret Atwood

Life of Pi as someone else said--BEST BOOK!!!!

The Kite Runner

Books by to follow

The Other Bolyn Girl  by Philippa Gregory

The Constant Princess by Phillipa Gregory

The Queen's Fool by Philppa Gregory

The Pilots Wife

The Red Tent

All Great Books!!! I will write mroe when i think of them.

You guys are the best.  Busy day but tomorrow I am ordering me some audio books.  Hubby and I are going to find ones we will like to listen to together.  We read to each other sometimes but audio books will be fun !  Thanks Woobie and all.  This is going to be FUN.


If you like mangled classics you have got to see "Bride and Prejudice". An hysterical, musical, Bollywood version of Pride and Prejudice.  With the olympics coming up "Cool Runnings" might be apt.  Another John Candy film is "Canadian Bacon". Any of these should get the endorphins flowing.

Another great author is Bill Bryson, A Sunburnt Country would give you a great view of an American in Australia.  He has lots of other humourous travel books and is great for a good laugh.

Happy viewing

Just remembered a site that nearly had my daughter and I wetting ourselves.  I hope I don't offend anyone, but have you ever read instruction books translated from Chinese or Japanese.  This site has mangled translations it is ''  It should give you many hours of hilarity. Don't throw things at me but I don't like Oprah but I DO LIKE the books she recommends.  I love this one by Wally Lamb "What I Don't Know" and I also love the classics like Ayn Rand Fountainhead.  I will think of more.  OH there is this really sick one that you have to have  a very very twisted sense of humor like mine - GEEK LOVE.  OK  now you know more about me than I probably should post. 