im so happy | Arthritis Information


im more happy than usual today lol

cuz i barely have any pain today
except im a little bit achey and sore
but i feel ALOT better than i did a few days ago
but all good things must end, so im expecting to be in pain soon
by monday or tuesday
at least i feel better now tho lol
i can actually enjoy the 4th of july  yay
Hope you get to do a lot of fireworks tomorrow!
yup i cant wait lol
last year i had fun watchin the fireworks
and im gonna go watch them again tommorow night
ppl around where i live like to do fireworks alot
i hope i can fall asleep tonight lol
theyre pretty loud
invest in some cotton balls or ear plugs LOL!
My neighbors go to bed early... like just before the sun goes down... which is like 730pm.
to the top wow 7:30 is really early lol
i used to go to bed early at like 9
but thats cuz i had to wake up at 5, to go to school
now i go to bed at 10:30, and wake up at 7
if this was last summer, id go to bed at 12 and wake up around 8 or 9 lol
think positively...don't even think about the potential of the pain returning.  Attitude does have a lot to do with pain levels...or at least the tolerance of pain levelsoh well the pain returned
i woke up and my wrist hurt lol
and now i got a bad headache
i guess its tylenol time again
Always expect the best my young friend. I totally agree with Buck; if you expect to do're going to. The best gift you can give yourself is a positive attitude.
Happy 4th of July. Be safe.
i never have a positive attitude lol
most ppl say i dont
anyways have an awesome 4th of July, Lovie
i hope i will... probably cuz i luv watchin fireworks lol
Having a positive attitude takes work for some people Star; you can if you work at it. Everytime something pops into your head that seems negative counter act it with something positive.
EAMPLE: "I never have a positve attitude." say to yourself....."I do have a positive attitude. I can do it!"
Over time it comes naturally. Start practicing this as you're young and you'll be amazed at the changes you'll bring about in your own life. Give it a shot for a week. See how it makes you feel. You'll feel stronger mentally and that alone will help you deal with the physically challenages that you will no doubt face in the years to come.
Whether you tell yourself "I can do it" or you tell yourself "I can't do it" - you'll be right either way