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Just woke up. Thankfully in less pain than when I feel asleep. The fireworks woke me up. Took me a bit to remember it is still the third and not the fourth. LOL Left the air off so it was one of those sweaty sleeps. I think it was good to sweat out some of the prednisone. I feel sort of detoxified some how. My boyfriend came over sometime. It was short. He said what are you doing. I said I was sleeping. He said sorry and I went back to bed. Oh what a fun girl I am. LOL I am sort of on an every two days sleep schedual. If not the RA pain it is the stomach upset or something to desturb my sleep. It is sort of funny. The last two times I slept well I was in worse pain than usual and just gave up and gave into the sleep. Next week is doctors week. GP and RD. So this too shall pass. I just get to the point of tears by the time I go to sleep. from the prednisone it makes me a little punchy. At least I am eating again. I had sort of a spell and I just was not hungry for the past month. So un like me. Just to much stress I guess. Usually stress makes me hungry. But in excess I guess it can do anything. June was just a stupid month for me. One thing after another. Hope this month is slightly calmer. The fireworks have stopped maybe I will go back to bed soon. I will try a flexeril. Sometimes it helps me sleep but sometimes when I am on prednisone it back fires and keeps me awake. So I got some sleep and if it back fires it won't hurt anything I guess. If it works I will feel better. Anyway my tendonitis will appreciate it what ever the sleep out come may be.ttt
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