POLL: Morning Stiffness | Arthritis Information


Do you have morning stiffness?

How long does it last?
A few hours or until I get moving.  The more I move the better it gets.right now about 45 minutesMy morning stiffness seems to last about an hour or less, but I gel rather quickly if I sit down or stop moving for a short period of time. [QUOTE=joonie]

Do you have morning stiffness?

My RD asked me how long my morning stiffness lasts. I explained the above to her, and now she asks me how my evening stiffness is. LOL!
Yes I do. How long does it last? Good question. I am one of those stiff people i more or less have varied degrees of stiffness rather than non at all. I will let you know when it goes away. LOL Also I can bring on morning stiffness by lieing around in bed watching TV. If I cozy in early and the get up to go to the bathroom it is a stiff and painful experience. My RD thinks that this is a good endicator that I have RA stiffness more so than fibro as that resting makes it worse. I pace alot around the house and stretch so I don't harden up. Drives others batty. Imagine a limping lady saying ouch that is back and fourth all over. Yes! I definetly have stiffness and like a lot of people it's not just inthe morning. Sometimes it takes 30-40 min to go away. I am on my feet for most of the work day, so when I finally sit and thenget back up I look like I'm 61, not 31. I feel particularly lucky. I feel stiff trying to get out of bed but by the time I get across 3 rooms to the shower- I am A-OK.  I have morning stiffness and it lasts around 45 min to an hour or so. If I have an early appointment I have to get up extra early to un-stiff. Then in the late afternoon I start to get stiff again. If I stand too long my legs get stiff and its hard to bend them to sit down. Like you Joonie, If I talk on the phone too long my arm/wrist gets pretty stiff.

I am lucky as no morning stiffness but the stiffness its me big time in the evening at around 8p.m. and I am just stuck with it until I go to bed.  Hugs and good vibes.


Joonie, no wonder you don't sleep at  night.  I'd never think of taking prednisone before bed.  Why don't you switch to taking that in the morning.
If this topic had come up a week or so ago, I'd say I hadn't had morning stiffness since I started Enbrel.  However, for the last couple of weeks I've been fighting it.  Usually about an hour or so.  Sometimes, however, I fight it all day long.  I hope my Enbrel isn't failing me.  about an hour  to 90 minutes. I start waking up about 6  it takes til about 630 before I am fairly certain that I wont fall down the stairs when I attempt to  head to the kitchen.
its happened several times so I do some stretches and a little walking up stairs.
I am so stiff that I often ruin 1 or more eggs trying to break them for poached eggs ( the mandatory breakfast around here lol)  I spill or drop milk, drop silverware  its a mess.
During years of bad flares, a lot worse. Nowadays, it's generally 30-45min. It reoccurs after sitting long or my daily nap but not as bad as after the long night.
It's embarrassing in public like at the show. I start standing when credits come on but can't walk until they are completely done... DH is so patient. At least I no longer have to break up the sitting time and go stand off to the side awhile during the movie. People look at me funny.
Hands have troubles in kitchen so I just have cereal, fruit  in am and DH cooks dinner or I stick in leftovers in the microwave. My children are grown and gone so it's ok.

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