Adventure | Arthritis Information


OK  I have to be careful here because I used to get people mad at me on other support board for "over doing" so I hope that is not what I did but I had the best day.  My headache went away about 10 am.  It is usually in the 40's and 50's this time of year but freaky weather - it was supposed to get to 70 today so hubby and I planned a hike and picnic.  We ended up deciding to go back to one of my favorite places where my dog got bit by three rattlesnakes last spring.  It is about five miles down into this canyon and guess what - after going down you have to

Anyway, I had to share.  It was a beautiful sunny day with Spring flowers fooled into blooming.  The dogs had a blast and it felt like the good old days.

Got to go back out shopping than movies tonight but I had to share.  I will post pics of my dog when he got bit by rattlesnake later.  It will blow you away.


Sounds like you have a beautiful area to hike.  I love living in the city, but that sure sounds nice.

Hopefully if you're sore at all, it's a good sore from exercising, not from the RA.

i guess they cared for you when you overdid yourself. 1tko38757.5906134259


I do the same thing Kel...Excercise by way of walking.  I walk about a mile, then I rest for 30 minutes and walk again, in the hopes of walking 3 miles.  I don't want my joints to freeze up..So I do a lot of walking.  Sometimes, I do some tearing up as I walk but I keep on walking.   When I get home I put my feet up and add a little ice cube bag to my knees and ankles and a pain patch to my hip and I am as good to go in about an hour.  Sometimes, it may take a little longer than an hour...

You can say and share how ever you want and what you want. Sometimes it can be the best therapy there is.

When I was caring for my mother (it was the hardest of times and most rewarding times of my life) I would on many a day be ready to commit hairy carey. I owned my own business and had a caregiver a few hours a day. The rest of the days and nights I was the constant care of my mother. She actually was very sweet and had the most beautiful smile. As a caregiver I found out my life became a life at times that had no meaning. I had no time for myself any longer and my mind was just overwhelmed with sadness, guilt and sometimes happiness. This went on for about 4 to 5 years. Where I am going with this story is...Most of the days I was beside myself but I had a way of making lite of most things and found humor at every turn. But most of all when I would go to work I would visit the office next door to mine and I would always tell some story about my mother that happened. I would somehow be able to tell it in a way that wasn't sad or poor me. But I sure felt like..Oh poor me. Anyway, for several years this went in and day out. Never did any of the people in Suite 4 get angry or tired of me. In fact today Lorie is still my best friend. I would go in their office and ramble on and on and if someone had to take a call or doing something like "work" I would just go to the next desk and keep yapping. These were good friends and they are who kept me sane when I thought I was losing my mind. They kept me strong when I was weak. They kept me going during some of the hardest days of my life. My mother left us in 2002 but my friends are still here. They got me through all of those days and nights. I don't know what I would have done with out them.

So, go on and on and on all you want. I think it is the best therapy we can have. The ability to share. You have wonderful advice and with all the hurts and pains you have in your daily life I think you have a very positive outlook on you and all that surrounds you. I love reading what you write. Don't stop. And when you have a bad day (and good days)...let it out. It's a good thing.

Thanks for letting me share.

By the way...I think Roxy knows this but I have Psoriatic Arthritis and have been on Enbrel since September of 2005. It has given me my life back.



RozBuds38756.3445601852Very nice post Rozbuds

By the way, my muscles are way sore this morning but NOT MY JOINTS

PS  Rozbuds,  You are tough cookie with a lot of love.  I am so glad you still have those friends, you deserve them

I had a tooth pulled a while back and hadn't had one pulled since I was a kid.  I was scared as well.  It was a wisdom tooth.  I can't remember being so nervous.  I have to tell ya though, it didn't even hurt.  I think the most that hurt was the needle to do the freezing.  So try not to worry so much, it really isn't as bad as we think.

Good Luck!

Kelly,  One thing about ra pain - it raises your pain threshold.  I still hate the shots in the gums but the tooth pull was a breeze.  Mouth is sore but that is ok because my whole body is sore from hiking yesterday.  Out of shape sore, not ra sore.  If my gum heals up in the next few days - back on Enbrel 

      Roxy ,So glad to hear your dentist appt went well. Aren't we brave

I would love to walk 3 miles everyday Waddles. How do you do it and have RA? Seems odd to me. What kind of pain meds do you take to walk that far?

Sybil,  With good treatment, your ra will get better and better.  Just walk a block and feel good about yourself.  One day at a time.  How long have you been diagnosed and what meds are you on?  Another good exercise is water aerobics.  I am presently shopping for a swimsuit to cover up my pred fat so I can get in a pool and build my muscles back up - gently.  I have also started back to yoga.  You have to keep moving if you are not flaring - range of motion, flexibility and aerobic are all important.  You don't have to be an athlete, just move.  I don't take pain meds TO exercise but sometimes I will have to take a darvocett when I get home.  Small price to pay. 

glad your toofes are ok..

i hate dentists................. hate hate HATE!

you're brave... i'm not.   LOL    I have to be HEAVILY sedated to even step foot into a dentist office.

(bad experience from childhood -..... cant MOvE ON... LOL)

