Time for a shot | Arthritis Information


It's Humira night... Some of us actually have RA!  When do you take your shots?
Every Saturday Night, oops my bad, every Saturday fortnight........ Up Saturday morningWednesday night...... enbrel

take my MTX same day now,... and I feel great by the weekends!!!! 
As of this week a new schedule of injections is to be put in place:
Monday AM 50 mg Enbrel + 25 mg MTX
Thursday AM 25 mg of Enbrel

The 25 mg of Enbrel is not -necessarily- for the treatment of RA, rather it is an additional treatment for a comorbidity attributed to the inflammation from RA.
I take my Enbrel on Tues. now.  Sometime, I feel achy the day after.  Wonder if that is normal? I take my MTX injection every Friday night, and my Simponi injection on the 25th of the month.I take my Enbrel on Friday night.Make mine Stoli! 

I've just recently switch from Saturday night to Friday night. Helps for a better weekend.

Humira-every Saturday morningwantabefree  Thats what I forgot. The olives!
Hope your meds help!!
I was thinking I would need them when we broke shug out of the hospital. Have not figured out how to get them in the bubble yet. Well I do not know how to get Shug in the bubble yet either.Well whats a ride in the Popemobile without a Martini? Good thing is I am not in charge. Babs and Jas will have to do the fine planning.
milly2009-07-06 17:30:46Sorry Shug I will have to pick the olives up tommorrow.Gee I can pick them up Milly...what kind does everyone like? Plain jumbo spanish? Little Manzillia? Jalepeno stuffed?
I was away from the board for a few days- I must have missed the original post this pertains too- but I'm game!

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