Lyme Disease? | Arthritis Information


I've heard and read of a few cases where a person was diagnosed with RA and it actually was Lyme disease.  Have any of you ever heard of that or discussed it with your doctor(s)?   Also, some friends of mine are encouraging me to go to Mayo Clinic in Minnesota to see about my RA.  Anyone have any luck there?  Just curious.  Thanks.I've heard of that, but have no info about it...sorry


  Sandy they can test you for lymes but the test aren't accurate Yes it can cause arthritis symtoms I have a couple friends who have it and it can be pretty bad Good Luck and keep posting pat


Sandy,  I can't remember the name of the test but there is a pretty accurate one, expensive, that I had done.  I thought I was a good candidate as I work outdoors and I wanted almost anything EXCEPT RA.  Turns out it was ra. 

here's a link for you...........


You need to ask your GP to do Western Blot.  If your GP does not understand how to interpret the result.  ID (infectious disease) doctor can do that for you.  I had 41 KD and 66 KD “reactive” result  Here’s what my ID dr. told me. “This is a negative result. IgM (indicative of acute disease) are all negative, IgG (indicative of chronic or previous disease) show only 2 of 10 tested bands positive. These are, BTW, the most commonly "false" positive bands. If you have an autoimmune disease (as it appears) even the IgM are often false positive but in your case the test is negative for active, acute or chronic Lyme.
