Increased Cymbalta dosage --- side effects? | Arthritis Information


My Cymbalta dose was just increased from 60 to 90mg.  This is my third day on the new dose and, since yesterday, I have been really, really sleepy.  Also, I'll find myself standing and looking (at nothing) with a blank stare, my mouth hanging open, and I've even drooled! bumping in the hopes you get more answers! Thanks for your input, Brisen.  I didn't notice any sleepiness when I started on the 60mg, so this is new to me.  I told the Dr I'd take as many "happy pills" as they were willing to give me, as long as I still remembered to feed the cats.  At least I haven't forgotten the kitties!

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Do you take your Cymbalta at night? I do, per my RD's recommendation, but I don't know if that really helps with the sleepiness or might be worse if I take it in the morning, but I'm not willing to try that. LOLI usually take it in the afternoon, but I think I might switch to nighttime now.  Hey, I might finally have something to help with my insomnia!!