How did you sleep last night? | Arthritis Information


I did not. I had a hundred and one things to do today. I did them all. So stress be gone. I think I was attacked by deliquent alliens last night. I woke up with a shearing electric current going threw my foot from my heel to my toes and top of foot. It was intense. I had sharp stabbing pains in my hips. Shallow knife stabs accompanied by pins and needle poking. One could only imagine what they had done to my back during those few minutes I had actually slept. Well my back would not recover enough to sleep. All the pillow moving in the world could not fix it.

I am hoping it was just spinal pressure and inflamation causing all of this. I am knocking down some V-8 hoping the potasium does me some good. I had low blood sugar and low potasium once and it woke me up as if I had been stung by bees the killer kind lots of them. However I do not think I had all of that spinal pressure. So maybe just pressure on the nerves. I tapered down 5 mg of pred today but took some antiinflamatory meds so the pressure is off of the spine a bit. I am tired so nothing will wake me up tonight. Went to a mexican reastraunt very spicy. No not even that will wake me up tonight. So I was very silly lack of sleep I hope. Happy that all the things to be done fell together elequintly. Last month was a wreck. If it could go wrong it did. Today was everything going back to it's origanal order.
Talking to my RD brought tears to my eyes. I am so dependent on my doctors. At different times I have needed medicine to wake up, meds for tears, meds for saliva, meds to sleep, medicine to walk to the bathroom and to take care of myself,ect. My very independence relies on having a good and caring doctor. Sweet dreams don't let the bed bugs bite and watch out for the alliens.
I was up and down all night with the flu...feeling better this evening though.
Sweet dreams Millie...hope you get a good night's sleep!
Lots of fluids and rest. Sweet Dreams. Feel Better.I can finally keep fluids down this afternoon. Stayed home from work today, and will probably stay home again tomorrow just to rest and recuperateBrisen2009-07-06 19:52:04I slept wery well thank you. Hope you have a better night tonite Well I did not fall asleep yet. Layed in bed with my eyes closed. I do not hurt so bad. Just had to get up and get my medicine. Should have took it hours ago but to tired to get out of bed. A we bit of heartburn. Best chilli releno I have ever had.Milly, I am sorry you are having such difficulty with sleep!  I hate when that happens.  Obviously, I am still awake!  I am not laughing at you but with you when I say... Aliens, killer bees and spicy Mexican food... Thinking I would not have been wanting to spend the night with you last night!  I slept for a couple of hours or usual.  I usually head to bed around 1:30 or 2:00, lay there for an hour then get up.  Sometimes I sit in my recliner and fall asleep for an hour or so, then get up and go to bed and sleep til the alarm goes off at 6:00.  I would seriously love to be able to fall asleep and sleep for a  whole night... Have any of you tried Lunesta? When I was having trouble that's what my dr. prescribed. First my insurance co. said NO- you have to try ...OMG my mind is a's the one that people sleep walk & drive while asleep on...My memory is gone. Anyway she called them up and said look- you need to approve this because it is for long term use and it does not have the side effects this other drug is famous for. So they did. I did not need it for long at all and it worked very well. Best of luck to you- not being able to sleep is very upsetting.
Edited to say: OK it's Ambien! Only took me an hr. to bring to the front of my brain
wanttobeRAfree2009-07-07 06:53:20sorry to milly and Brisen and pammy and waddie!!!... hope you're all doing better and are well rested..
I have had great night's sleep anymore.... I drink no caffeine after 12 noon... no chocolate either... and I have not had any sleep issues *(KNOCK KNOCK)*
babs102009-07-07 06:40:50O.K.Sorry to those who are having trouble sleeping. I was travelling so my sleep was disrupted quite a bit but I have caught up on it through the day.I went to sleep around 11pm. Then was up at 2am for bathroom break. Then back to sleep and woke up at 5am by the alarm. Then back to sleep until 6:45am when the phone rang. I had to go wake up daughter so she could get ready to go with her friend on a trip. Then doozed back off until 7:23am when daughter woke me up to watch her walk to her friends house. Then I laid back down and fell asleep and was woke back up a little after 8:20am by the phone again. Then went back to sleep only to be woke up by the phone again an hour later. And then back to sleep to be woke up by son at 10:13am.
And well... been up since.
So... sleep for me does not go well. But it does seem to go better thru the summer time, than when school is in session. Because both kids will sit up late and sleep late. WHich equals me being able to sleep as long as they do! Which rarely ever goes pass 1pm, only when one is sick. Like daughter was a week back. Oh and good sleep I got! Needed it after listening to daughter complain and whine about her brother looking at her the "wrong way" all day and evening.
I have also found that it is better if I get up out of bed then lay there trying to force myself to sleep. I give it 20 minutes then I get out of bed and turn on a small light and read. Usually an hr. later I'm ready to go back to bed and fall asleep.
This used to happen to me on high doses of prednisone and I was out on medical leave so it really didn't upset me too much because I knew I could nap during the day.
Now that I am working- if I can't sleep it is very upsetting to me. I start thinking about how awful I will the next day with out proper rest.
