Clumsy hands | Arthritis Information


Well- they've been at it again! Now I realize it is when I have stiffness in my hands that I start dropping things and throwing things like my hands have a mind of their own.

I dropped my prednisone again and I've noticed extra stiffness and pain.
Don't care- I'm getting off of this stuff!
Anybody have hands like mine?
Fumbling hands are my biggest complaint.  I not only drop nearly everything I pick up, my 'perception' of where my hands are is somehow screwed up.  I'll reach for something and knock it over or miss it entirely and knock something else over.  And I know what you mean about "throwing things"  ---  nothing and nobody are safe around me when I have something in my hand!I have perception problems too which makes me bang my hands up pretty good too when I miss what I'm aiming for!Me too.  They just let go without any orders from me when something is too heavy.  Part of the problem is that bolt of pain when something presses too firmly against a finger joint.  I find myself carrying as much as I can by simply hugging it against my body with my arms, letting my hands dangle free like the worthless slackards they have become.
Good for you dumping pred, I did the same and am accepting of the extra pain, it's worth it not to have the Side Effect Terrors.
Oh, and you know what else?  I am constantly cutting myself, paper cuts from everything, while opening a cardboard box or an envelope.  Is my skin thinner or what???  I have always got cuts all over my hands.

I hate when I drop things. And now that I know my weight limitations of picking stuff up, I do not even try anymore to pick up things I am sure I will drop, unless I have to.

My hands do not have much strength grip wise, meaning my hands do not have much muscle in them. And when they are swelled and do not bend from all the swelling, I just limit what I pick up. Like cups, I use a BIG syrofoam cup that I can pick up with both hands. And if I use a normal cup, I just put a straw in it and leave it sitting on the table and lean my head toward the straw to get a drink.
It is not fun when I have to pour son his juice out of a newly open 32oz jug. Most times now, that I feel more confident in his pouring abilities than mine, I will let him pour it himself while I hold his cup on the counter with both hands.
Sorry, for the rambling... it is just what my day has already involved. I drop everything regardless of weight- it's kind of like having no grip. It's like one of those claw machines where you try to win a prize but they have it set so limp ...
Set to limp... hahaha... seems like the prize machines need a little viagra pick me up.
Yeah... sometimes I can be mean, but I just cannot stand for my kids to be like that, cry because the other got something they did not get. One way to teach them life ain't fair, and then they would have the rememberies of the stuffed animal being ripped apart to go along with "life ain't fair". heheheheeee!
I remember being one of those crying brats. My dad took me and my girlfriend to a carnival and she won a GIANT stuffed pink elephant! All I wanted was a small velvet black cat with jeweled eyes.  My father tried and tried  to win that cat but he just couldn't. He finally got the man to sell it to him for and this was like 1968. I know I was a brat but my couldn't find a nicer one! I'll never forget how special I felt.OH!  I wanted one of those cats with the green jewel eyes too!  My grandma bought me one!  I thought it was soooooo pretty!   Well it's a small world! Yes it did have green jewel eyes! You know if I ever run across a battered one at a flea market or something I'll probably pay all over again!
Earlier I had typed a reply to you, wannabe. And the my son disconnected the internet when he answered the phone. I did not know he disconnected it and when I hit "post reply", it was all lost.
I think I remember seeing one of those cats. My other sister use to have one.
Oh man- now I want one all over again- WAH! WAH!!   I always wanted one of those furry white cats!!  sheesh... why'd you have to remind me that I never got one?
were they "fuzzy"?Not the black one- it was like velvet WAH! Here kitty kitty kitty! I have an awful time with my hands.  I teach bio and have dropped more glassware than I like to admit.  I used department money and ordered a bunch of plastic labware last year...beakers, graduated cylinders.....
My students always say I am a poor example of lab safety since stuff goes flying...
