WBC | Arthritis Information


Well I just went to the mail box and my repeat WBC results are in. Count went from 13.5 to 14.9. Neutrophils went from 10500 to 11577.
My RD thought infection when my initial results came in. I don't have a fever or anything. I am having oral surgery on this little bump on my gum on the 24th to rule out an infection there but I have had that bump since Dec 08 and only my most recent blood test had the elevated WBC.
I don't know what to think.
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babs102009-07-07 16:28:57That is a quizzle. mine was 16.9 when I had an abcessed tooth. Guess we will have to wait and see what the gum surgery finds?

" quizzle "  I like that!

I can't imagine where this infection can be if it is only 2 weeks old. Wouldn't I have a fever or pain or something? If you're on Prednisone, that can cause elevated WBC's.I am but when it first elevated I was on just 4 mgs and the dr. said that probably wasn't it. It should have been elevated when I was on the higher doses. I had my WBC as high as 16 one time, and I was only on 4 mg of Medrol. It stayed elevated for a couple of months, then went back down. No infection, fever, rash, cough, etc.hmmm- that's encouraging
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