University of Alberta Arthritis Study | Arthritis Information



Have you experienced barriers to employment or education since being diagnosed and living with Arthritis? Do you have trouble accessing healthcare? Have you experienced any stigma from others due to your condition? If so you may be interested in participating in this online study about the role of stressors in adjustment and coping with Arthritis.

The survey is short and takes approximately 15-30 minutes to complete, depending on how much you choose to write. Like you, I also live with an autoimmune disease, so I have tried to make the content of the survey as meaningful as possible. I hope that by completing this survey you will learn something about yourself too.

If you are interested in participating or for more information please visit the study website at:

You may also request to have a survey mailed to you.
This study is being conducted by a professor at the University of Alberta with UofA Board of Ethics approval.

Thank you!

Spam sandwich anyone?