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Hello forum. My name is Sybil and I am new to your forum. I have RA and have had it for almost six months. It started in my knees. Now it is in my hands. My Dr is going to start me on Biologics soon. I am so sad because I cant do the things I use to. I hate this disease and it is ruining my life. I am married and we have no children as he is sterile. It is probably just as well that we cant have children as what kind of a mother would I be. I am so depressed. Is there hope for me?Oh Sybil.  Your post breaks my heart.  Of course there is hope for you.  I had RA for nine months seriously before I was diagnosed and I was diagnosed in May 2005.  What I mean by seriously is I was hospitaized and truly in agony for many months with little relief.  I could not afford a rheumatologist until I went back to work so that is why I did not get the diagnosis.  I was an extremely active person.  I worked as a ranger and an educator.  I hiked a lot and led outdoor science programs.  My time not working was spent traveling and finding new places to hike and explore.  RA stopped me in my tracks.  I felt much like you.  How could I have hope when I was in so much pain. I couldn't  do the things I love, the work I love, how could I support myself and communicating how I felt with friends and family seemed impossible.  I really had a hard time just coping with the pain.  I had never felt such horrendous pain.  I isolated myself, did lots of research, found this support board, got a good rd (rhematologist).  I have been on many med combinations.  It was good because when I went to the rd I was very well informed.  I learned about all the other ra sufferers experiences from this board and I researched the disease and treatment options.  Long story short - I have been on disability for seven months but "training" to go back to work.  I have gained 20 pounds from prednisone and inactivity but I am now weaning off the prednisone.  I am on Enbrel and I give myself injections no problem.  There are so many good meds out there Sybil.  It takes some time to find the right med mix for each individual.  RA effects everyone differently.  I was told that I would likely be in a wheel chair in five years because my ra is so aggressive.  I was also told I would not be able to return to work by a doctor.  I am SO MUCH BETTER. They were SO WRONG.   Many more good days now than bad and I am back out taking baby hikes compared to before but I am hiking again.  I look at it kind of like I got in an accident and I have to train my body again and I am still healing.  I know I will always have RA, well I still hope someday there will be a cure, but everyday gets better and if you continue to come to the support boards, you will hear so many success stories.  I was desperately depressed.  It really helped to get on antidepressants and I am still on them.  RA is very frustrating because it is so difficult to plan anything because you never know how you are going to feel from one day to the next but it also teaches you to appreciate the good days/moments so much more.  YES YES YES THERE IS HOPE.  High mountains ARE A GREAT FEELING and trees, and streams and fresh air.  They are all out there waiting for you. 

I think that I should get a little dog to keep me company. My husband is gone so much and I need something. I think I will look for one tomorrow.  

Sounds like maybe you should see your doctor and see if he/she might prescribe something for the depression you are experiencing.

Even with RA there is still a wonderful life for you.  You just need to be open to a new kind of wonderful.  The right meds can make an enormous difference.  You don't have to think that you will always feel as bad as you do now.  Given time, good doctors, good meds and good friends you will come out the other side stronger and more in awe of the tiny, special things in your life

A puppy or kitten may be just the thing to give you a giggle and a warm fuzzy feeling. 



You're going thru the same thing I think we all go thru when going thru the HELL that IS rheumatoid arthritis.........

My doctor told me to get something for depression tooo - but i didn't.  I told him - I HAVE A REASON to feel this way.  I HAVE to feel this way - and then move on.........
If I get stuck feeling this way for too long - then maybe I would consider looking into anti-depressants.

  But I think, for ME anyway, that it was a stage I needed to go thru.   I was depressed... then I was mad... then I hit denial (thinking I could take vitamins and eat better, and BEAT this thing... )   then - resignation.  

Then - I decided that I was NOT going to lay down and die.  I was going to work until I fall.  I was going to do what I could - for as long as I could - and be grateful for it.   I was going to  research my disease, and I was going to know more about it than my doctor.  I was going to make sure I was getting the correct treatment... and I was going to take control of my RA.

And I did.

I'm having a hard time right now - but I know that it DOES go into remission, and it will - eventually.   We have a lot of new options now that weren't available to my father.... we are lucky.   I am just trying to find the one that works for this flare.  When I do - I'll be OK.

I have rheumatoid arthritis - it does NOT have me.

I hope you can move on - thru your emotions - (which are quite normal).... and not get stuck in one for too long.. and then come to see that you will be OK.     And I'm glad this forum exists, and will be here with you thru all of them....

Welcome aboard.


I realize it's still very early and you need some time to adjust and accept what's happening to you; but it's not the end of the world. With proper treatment your life can improve greatly.

Attitude is very important with RA. So much of what our mind thinks about all day long effects what happends to us. Spend time concentrating on a positive outlook and it will help a great deal.

Biologics are wonderful medications. Many of us here are having great results with medications like Humira, Enbrel and Remicade. You're lucky you have found a doctor that is taking an aggressive course of treatments. So many are not so fortunate. It will make a huge difference in how this disease effects you in the long term. Early aggressive treatment is key.

Welcome to AI Sybil. This is a great group and we've all learned so much from each other. We're glad you're here.


Sybil2 it gets better with the right treatment. hang in.

I am taking an antidepressant plus a handful of other medications. I hope that taking the prednisone does not make my face swell up. I am worried about that.

My husband is gone most of the time on business and I am left here in this big house with the hired woman. I cant get around too good right now as my knees are swollen. I sit in the hot tub as much as possible.

Roxy, how did you get so many different pain pills for the different levels of pain you have? I just have one kind and I believe it is called Vicodin. You must have a very nice Dr.

How rude of me. I forgot to mention that I appreciate the kind words from the other members. Thank you.I have lived where I live for close to 20 years.  I have had the same doctor.  I have had several injuries and two surgeries and would turn down pain meds.  When I got ra I was diagnosed with severe ra and the pain was agony.  Both my rd and gp give me lots of time to talk.  They trust me.  I told them I want to be on the lowest dose according to my pain but I don't want pain to alter my lifestyle more than the ra already has.  My doctor knows how active I have always been and both her and her husband who is a doctor have seen me in the park where I work many years.  They both have said I do not have an addictive personality.  I rarely refill my meds when it is time for the refill so I am lucky.  They know me and trust my judgement.  I am also very assertive about treating my pain AND the disease.  I am blessed that I have good insurance and wonderful doctors.  I also have a fabulous husband.  I feel so sorry for people who do not have support.  Also, codeine based drugs upset my stomach so we try different drugs that I can tolerate better.  I am trying to avoid the morphine drugs.  I hate vicodin, the norco is not so hard on your stomach but I am liking Talwin for extreme pain.  The good news is that darvocet has been enough for me lately.  I hope you get the right combination

Hi Sybil, So glad that you are here .  Love to see pictures of your new buddy. 

We all need friends, especially when we are feeling down. You will be meeting a lot of new people and we all come in different styles, faces and destinations.  Some of us are quiet and subdued, some in between and some of us are quite out there but that is what it takes to make this wonderful support board.  We have become a family and like any family we all gather around to meet the newest member to it.  SO

Welcome to AI... Sybil

and may your time in here be full of fun, laughter and love.



waddles38758.5712847222Hey Sybil.  If you pm me I will give you my email address and you can send pic of buddy.  I would love to post it for you this weekend.
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