OT~Babs...or anyone with a cairn terrier | Arthritis Information


I noticed in HH's new dog thread that you have a cairn terrier.  I'm curious as to what your experience has been with having this type of dog.  I know that every dog is different, but sometimes there are things that are common for that particular breed and so I'm wondering what you (or anyone else who has one) thought.

My little guy (poodle) Monty had to be put down a few months ago and it was the hardest thing to go through. Even typing this brings tears to my eyes thinking about him.   I told my husband to never let me get another dog no matter how much I beg for one.  But I just love little dogs and was thinking that IF I was to ever get another, a cairn terrier would be a possible choice.  I won't be getting another dog for a while though.  I still have my sheltie and to be honest one dog is enough for me. 
kelstev.... I will give you a longer reply when I have time to truly answer and give these great dogs their due.
thanks for waiting... I know I  couldn't do them justice if I tossed out a quick reply while at work.
I love my terriers...  We got two of the same litter (siblings) and they are best buddies.........Abbey and Fitch or Abercrombie and Fitch... are their names.
They are red brindle but appear more blonde... w/ darker to black snouts.. 
They are funny... comically so... they are very alert and smart... short and stocky and hardy little friends.. mine are on the larger size of 20 plus lbs but are not fat ... FItch hasn't one ounce of fat on his frame.... most are 14-18.
Our puppers are  pleasant..  love people.. but sound alarms when the door rings or someone crosses our property...   They play games of chasing lights, flash lights, reflection lights and they hate tin foil paper and want to kill it when it comes out of the box!!
They go out into the yard together and run in the same directions in perfect unison. I love watching them.....  They are always busy..  chasing birds that they can never catch... and even airplanes.  They love walking on their leads..  Fitch will dance in circles when he even hears the leash.. or when we come home.. They get along w/ everyone and all animals.. even my cats..   and Abbey is the boss of all the animals in our house... whether they live or visit except one and it's not the big guy:  Sullivan, my 140 lb Irish Wolfie
..... It's my ODD's 5 lb chihuahua!!!  
They are so fun to watch play... or even funnier is to watch them approach the other to play... they do a little hop and stance.. it's adorable...
Of all the pets I've had in my life.. I've enjoyed these two little terriers more than any other... they're entertaining... they are attentive to your speech and your commands... they are smart and learn quickly..... I've read that they are bad diggers, but my guys arent... it's been my experience that dogs that dig are usually bored...and the two of them keep each other company and are playmates.
Pic sent to your pm box.
babs102009-07-08 18:24:28Oh they're absolutely adorable, Babs!  Thanks for all the info, they certainly seem like something I'd be looking for when the time comes.  Monty was a such a smart dog and that's what I'm looking for . My sheltie isn't the brightest, but we still love him
Thanks again!
TTT I fell in love with the breed when my Nana had a little boy Cairn named Fitz!  He would tell us secrets!!  too cute.. He was much redder in color than my puppers.... but just as entertaining and delightful...
My husband says when these animals are all "gone" he wants no more.... because it tears at his heart.... I disagree.. the heartbreak is helped by a new friend 

We now have a West highland terrier, she is also a beautiful dog. I think most terriers have a lovely nature but do tend to be mischievious.I have a Pit Bull terrier and she is the best dog we have ever had. She is so smart but more importantly so gentle and friendly which is not what people think of when they hear pit bill. You can take a bone right out of her mouth. All you have to say is OUT and she immediately drops whatever she has. She can do all kinds of doggie tricks. She loves to fetch and she has her very own wading pool.  She has a chain with a thick rope toy for her to pull on in the tree. We had to buy her a ball that was made for Lion's because her teeth are so powerful the regular toys don't last. She's very old now.  I think I will be done with dogs then. We have a really old Beagle too.my son-in-law had a pit bull, wantto... Leila..

she was the sweetest thing too.....
sadly.... because of their strength they have been abused and used
Cairn terriers are the cutest little dogs!  Busy little fellas!  Corgi's are nice too and sweet tempered.  I always try and think who doesn't need too many days of "beauty" (grooming!). My cousin has a Jack Russell terrier.  I think that is what it is.  She sent pictures and it is also very cute.Babs~post the pictures for us all to see.
Kel~I have a toy poodle; Lilly. She's my baby girl. I can't imagine my life without her. She's the first small dog I've had and I'm so attached to her. I'm so sorry to her about your little dog. My heart breaks for you. Can you post a picture of Monty too? I'd love to see him. Was he a mini or a toy?
Thanks, Lovie..it was very difficult.  Monty was a miniature poodle.  If I were to get another poodle, I'd go for a toy.  But I doubt I'll get another poodle since I really wanted to get away from all the grooming that poodles require. But then again, I really do like the fact that they don't shed.  That's why I got Monty in the first place.  Poodles are so smart too...(I might be talking myself into getting another poodle here if I don't watch it..lol) 
Anyway...here's a photo of Monty....
[QUOTE=Lovie]Babs~post the pictures for us all to see. OMG~You're telling me! The grooming is such a hassle with a poodle; but I don't think I'd trade her for anything. I do spend far more on keeping her hair up than I spend on my own. Far more!
Monty was really beautiful. How old was he?
Yep poodles are a lot to maintain but I only do ours every 5 or 6 weeks and keep it to a lamb cut. I don't use the word love very often but this little fella is loved more than any other that's gone before.
No dog hair, no real doggy smell, fun to be with and great comfort especially in the early days with this disease.
Buddy would sit beside me, or lay if in bed. I would even go as far as to say that Buddy got me through the darkest of days.

He has become a little to dominant of late and actually bit me when I tried to stop him from ripping into a mat we have beside the heater.
He got a good jolly shellacking for that, and I made sure that he got the message that I am the Alpha in this pack and that sort of behavior would not be tolerated.

Buddy spent yesterday sulking in the lounge room giving me a wide berth and I the day ignoring him.
You know what, I have felt miserable about the whole thing but some say it's better tough love than a someone else.
I was playing with him and did let him get over excited.......

Now that was a hell lot more words than I was going to enter into this thread.

Kel...your Monty is a beauty.  I had a toy poodle for 16 years, he was apricot and his name was Toro.  When I was going to buy him my husband objected to buying an oversized rat but guess who ended up being his best friend.  We had so much fun and entertainment from this dog and it has been years since he passed but I still miss him.  He was very easy to care for.  I would bath and clip him myself but took him about every 2 1/2 to 3 months for a good going over.  My neighbour offered to give me a teacup poodle but everyone in the family said no, that we could never replace Toro so I lost out on the teacup. awww.. Teed... I don't think one pupper replaces another....  It's like a new friend when an old dear friend moves away......  just another personality to enjoy!! 

I would doubt that my days will ever be spent without a furry friend... probably a dog and/or a cat..but most likely more than one of each.....  I like having them.. caring for them. enjoying them.

About the Cairn's grooming.... I didn't elaborate but they have hair and it grows continuously.....  I get my dogs groomed about 2 X a year... and I keep them trimmed up in the meantime, keep them brushed, clip their nails and brush their teeth....  

So they aren't without their grooming needs.

Lovie..lol..yeah, I can imagine...you can tell you really love your Lilly. Monty was only 12.  I thought he'd have a few more years, but he was having a lot of health problems (mainly bladder stones which are apparently common with miniature poodles)

Bodak...it's so easy to fall in love with these little guys, isn't it. 
Teed...Thanks.  I ended up clipping Monty the last few years of his life...what a job that is.  I suppose that's why I'm not wanting to go that route again.  Sounds like you had an amazing poodle as well.
So hard to get a decent picture of a black dog.

That is one cute dog Stephen and a good picture.  I wish I knew how to post pictures because we have scads of our Toro. 

Babs....I could have very easily gone for that sweet little teacup but my dd was adament about no dog as Toro was mainly her dog.  He would defend her and guard her with his life even against me.  Dh objected to another dog as we were spending a lot of time fishing, camping and golfing so it would be too hard to take a dog along...his reasoning not mine.

Kel...Toro was the biggest clown
I forgot to mention that we bought the dog from an elderly lady who had remarried and her new husband hated the dog so I am quite sure he had been abused as he avoided dh for about a month.  The next thing I noticed was he would put his ear next to the crack under the door and start to wag his tail.  He could hear dh's truck coming for over two blocks and it wasn't noisy.  I later found out that dh had started feeding him from the table at 6 am before he went to work.  Needless to say we had to put him on a diet eventually. Go here Pat for a walk through on posting images from photobucket
Look at the poster Alex L post

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