Update on Liam. | Arthritis Information


Hi guys, Liam is being tested for Lupus now as he developed a raised red rash about 2 weeks ago mildly but it is getting redder and angrier on both cheeks and partially on his nose.???????  My GP has ordered blood tests, fingers crossed they are negative.  Thanks in advance guys.  I know it can be hard to diagnose and that it has a lot of overlapping symptoms with JIA/RA. Regards Janie. Keeping my fingers crossed the test comes back negative.

Poor guy..he's having a rough time.Ah Janie..what a tough thing for him to be going through...and you. The rash does sound like it could be Lupus . My daughters teacher has Lupus, she had a rash on her face ( bridge of nose and cheeks) that   comes and goes. She  developed it on her chest too. She is responding  very well to treatment though. The doctors treated her for JRA as a child.Oh Janie!  I will be keeping everything crossed it is not Lupus!  Poor little fella!  He has so much on his plate now.  Take advantage of that pool to keep you sanity and your stress in check, girl.  Let us worry over Liam for a bit. 

I am humming for you both and wishing for better days ahead! What a rollercoaster you have been on-prayers going up that an answer and treatment plan are found SOON! Best of luck to you!Janie. I can think of nothing worse in this life than having a sick child. I am hoping for a negative diagnosis for Liam. I am going through Lupus testing at this time as I started having lung problems two months ago. I'm thinking of Liam.fingers crossed!Oh Janie, I hope his test comes back negative...that's the last thing he (or you) need!Thinking of you and Liam Janie....xxxxx
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Thankyou so much all of you for your kind thoughts and wishes.  It is a strange rash, today it is on his nose also, it was very apparent on his cheeks up until now but not so much on his nose.  Regards Janie.  I will fill you in, we both just  had our blood tests done, will have the result on Monday.

Prayers for Liam and your family.

Bumpup we go!!  xxxxHi Guys, Liams blood request form says
butterfly rash on face, polymialgia HLA B27 pos  SLE?
I am glad my Dr is being so careful with him.  I just found this info on the web regarding Liams epilepsy medication.  He started this med about 6 weeks ago, slowly working up to the current dose.  I can't speak to my Dr now until Monday when we get the blood test results but I will be a little angry if he has got Lupus now and this drug can induce it, am I right to be angry and worried?.
 While taking TEGRETOL; Liam is on 600mg 2 x a day
  • Lupus: May be activated by Tegretol treatment. Individuals with the disease, or who are at high risk for it (i.e., have a family history of it) may want to discuss this with their doctor while planning treatment.
  • While taking ENDEP ; Liam is on 30mg a day
  • Body as a Whole: Lupus-like syndrome (migratory arthritis, positive ANA and rheumatoid factor
  • Edited by me to add another bit of info.

    janiefx12009-07-10 03:34:01I would be a bit angry Janie if I knew a med had been given to my child that had a high risk for devlopment of the disease.
    Try not to worry as it might not be Lupus and something easy to fix.
    Have a good weekend and let us know what happens....xx
    Thanks Pin, I am not too worried yet but praying for good news, thanks, hugs Janie.My very best wishes to you, to Liam, and to the rest of your family for a peaceful weekend and a speedy resolution to all your difficulties. [QUOTE=janiefx1]Hi Guys, Liams blood request form says
    butterfly rash on face, polymialgia HLA B27 pos  SLE?
    I am glad my Dr is being so careful with him.  I just found this info on the web regarding Liams epilepsy medication.  He started this med about 6 weeks ago, slowly working up to the current dose.  I can't speak to my Dr now until Monday when we get the blood test results but I will be a little angry if he has got Lupus now and this drug can induce it, am I right to be angry and worried?.
     While taking TEGRETOL; Liam is on 600mg 2 x a day
  • Lupus: May be activated by Tegretol treatment. Individuals with the disease, or who are at high risk for it (i.e., have a family history of it) may want to discuss this with their doctor while planning treatment.
  • While taking ENDEP ; Liam is on 30mg a day
  • Body as a Whole: Lupus-like syndrome (migratory arthritis, positive ANA and rheumatoid factor
  • Edited by me to add another bit of info.

    I would be so upset and worried if I were you Janie.  I do hope the tests prove that Liam does not have Lupus.  You both have had so much to contend with.
    TeedOff2009-07-10 08:04:15
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