How Many Joint Replacements?? | Arthritis Information


Its late and I was just sitting here thinking about all the joint replacements I have and I was wondering if anyone else has as many as I do. 

I currently have 9.  Both knees, both hips, both shoulders, both elbows and the MCP joints in my right hand.

OMG  Bubba.  How long have you been diagnosed with RA and if you don't mind me asking how old are you?  I have not had a joint replacement but rd has hinted that eventually my hips and knees may need it.  I would appreciate hearing more about the circumstances around your joint replacements.  How are you doing these days?bubba none for me. i am sorry you had 9 already. u must have very aggressive ra? 1tko38757.3858912037I am 32 yo.  I was first diagnosed with systemic onset JRA when I was 13.  The replacements are due to a combination of JRA and almost 20 years of prednisone. I had my first surgery at 20, my right hip.  I have also had my left ankle fused and the thumb on my right hand fused. 
I would say life is going great.  I have never let the JRA get my down.  I always keep a positive outlook on life.  I used to give my doctors a hard time because I would still play basketball and football after I was first diagnosed but, hey, you have to live life to the fullest and not have any regrets.

 Hi Bubba

I have to give you a lot of credit to have to had to go through so much in your young life and still maintain such a healthy,wonderful attitude.  You definitely are a lesson to be learned from...

I hope that you will always be able to keep your balance.

Welcome to AI... I am very pleased to meet you and I hope to see you here.... often.


   I'm glad to see that you have a positive lookout. With the implants that are available today there's better results.
   I know that this isn't a implant but back in the 1950's they didn't do implants. They just fused the joint. My right hip is fused and ,yes, I do have a limited range of motion with that leg. Of course, the docs told me that I wouldn't be able to do several things and that they would have to go back in after several years to replace the metal pins that's holding the hip joint together. Being a kid at the time, I didn't let a little thing like a fused hip stop me. The only bad thing was because I never got the pins taken out, the leg is shorter than my other one. So listen to the docs and if they say to cut back on a activity, ask questions like ,what will happen later in life if I don't.
   Bubba, I don't want you to give up on your positive outlook. Take care.
   Marisa Sue[QUOTE=waddles]

 Hi Bubba

I have to give you a lot of credit to have to had to go through so much in your young life and still maintain such a healthy,wonderful attitude.  You definitely are a lesson to be learned from...

I hope that you will always be able to keep your balance.

Welcome to AI... I am very pleased to meet you and I hope to see you here.... often.




Seeing the names "waddles" made me laugh.  It reminded me of a story.  After my first hip surgery, I waddled side to side when I started walking again.  One day my niece start walking behinde me and she started waddling.  I couldnt help but laugh.  From that day on, when ever she followed me anywhere she would waddle.


Glad it made you recall a time from the past and make you laugh all over again. 

Keep on laughing and I am right behind you laughing too.

Oma Waddles

Hi Bubba;  I was diagnosed 7 years ago with OA at 40yrs.  I had my first knee replacement 2 years later and the second one a year after that.  My surgeon said it wasn't OA had to be something else because of the angry inflammation.  In Dec 05 I was finally diagnosed with sero-negative RA.  It took 7 years, 4 surgeons, 2 GP's and 2 Rheumatologists, to finally diagnose it.  So now I have OA and RA. And two wonderful new knees.


anyone else???Im sorry (rubbing my eyes and looking again) did you say 20, twenty YEARS on prednisone?!?!?  WOW. I am so sorry to hear that you have gone through so much and at such an early age. I have not had any sx myself but I am relativly new to RA. My mom was dxd at age 9, she is 62 now and has not had any either, but she has also refused all meds except good old ASA.  She also has been told by many a doctor that her pain threshold is very high. I just cant get over the ammt of time you were on Prednisone!  I have worked with patients who have undergone hip and knee replacements.  I did some research on hip replacement about 5 years ago when I was in school.  I found out that many people have to replace the joint again in hips and knees about 10 years after initial surgery. Have any of yours been repeats?  I know that the technology of the actual prosthetics are getting better and that will help to decrease continued wear and tear on those joints.  How is your mobility now after all of your surgeries?

Yes it has been almost 20 years. (It will be Sept.)  I was degnoised at age 13.  All of my joint have only been replaced once.(Both knees, hips, shoulders, elbows and MCP of my right hand)  My first hip was done in 1994 and I recently had a yearly check up and the Dr. said everything looks great. 

How is your mobility now after all of your surgeries?

To be honest, its a life saver.  No I cant do everything I used to do when I was a teenager but I can still do what makes me happy in life.  I dont let my replacements stop me from doing what I want.  A few years ago, my wife was scared to death because I went parasailing.  I always tell my wife I will be dead before I'm 50, I dont know if its the meds that will kill me or my own stupidity

No joint replacements yet just joint fusions like somebody else mentioned. The Ortho said it was possible I'd need my knees replacing before I was 25 if the condition continued to attack them so aggressively, but thankfully I switched Rheumys and he managed to slow the damage riiight down.  I'd quite a bit of damage alread, a lot of it is down to the steroid injections and being on Pred for 10 years (I don't want to end up on it another 10!!!) but I'm hoping to escape replacements for a while longer. 

You have a great attitude by the way, who knows, maybe you will be dead before you're 50 but at least you'll have had a good time.

Best wishes


Hey Bubba

I'm currently waiting for an appointment for my MCP surgery, should be any day now. The surgery is scheduled for April. How is you mobility after you MCP surgery,which joints where replaced, mine will be index and middle finger right hand!! I reckon to be away from work for a while, maybe four weeks? Does that sound reasonable?


[QUOTE=Bookworm]Hey Bubba

I'm currently waiting for an appointment for my MCP surgery, should be any day now. The surgery is scheduled for April. How is you mobility after you MCP surgery,which joints where replaced, mine will be index and middle finger right hand!! I reckon to be away from work for a while, maybe four weeks? Does that sound reasonable?


My mobility is great.  I dont have as tight a grip as i used to have but its still good.  I had all 4 fingers and metal rods put in my thumb.  I guess it depends on what kind of work you do as to how long you will have to be out.  After surgey my hand was bandaged up for about a week then after that I was in this funky thing, its hard to describe.  I think I still have it.  I can take a pic and post it.  I was in that for about a month.

That would be great! Thanks!I'll give that a miss, if you don't mind! We don't like being spammed on this site! Bye!!

ETA Not directed at you Bubba, at that Haishibushi person, who is incidently, a pain in the ****!!


Hi Bubba,

It was so encouraging to hear of your long term success with your hip replacement.  I have been told that I need one, but that I should put it off as long as possible, since it will most likely have to be redone in about 10 years.  I'm glad to hear yours is still working well!


Hi Bubba,

I've only had the MCP replacement done on my right hand, and that was last November, all four knuckles. I had to wear a weird and clumsy splint for eight weeks after a week in bandages, and a lot of physiotherapy, some of which left me wanting to throw bricks at the therapist I am in my late 30s and got diagnosed almost five years ago. By the way, I meant to add this: You have a great attitude, and I'm glad you're playing basketball and living life. It's the only way to go. :) I meant to say this in the last post, but it's way past my bedtime. Hey Everyone

Just wanted to say that I got a date to have my MCP surgery, 24th April. Did you need to have someone around to take care of you Clover. If you don't mind me asking, of course.


Bookworm38813.1144907407Hi Bookworm,

I don't mind the question. :) I live alone with no friends or family really close by, so I ended up staying in a rehabilitation hospital for the first four weeks after the surgery and enjoyed having other people cook my meals and make my bed. You will definitely need some help with stuff... and if you haven't already, practise doing things with your other hand, like taking a shower and stuff. You'll be glad for that.

Good luck with the surgery! :)

Bubba:  I like your attitude!!  I've been diagnosed with JRA since I was 4.  I too like you have had total hips (twice) total knees and (revision) so im up to 4.

Most people wine on these forums.. But there needs to be more people like us who just move on.  Yes there is no doubt this disease hurts, sucks, and is not deserving to any of us, but I believe your attitude has so much to do with it.

Joint replacement has been a has alowed me to remain independent.  Otherwise I would be in a wheelchair

I'm almost 45 and have had RA for 23 years

I had left and right knee replaced in 2000 after scope on both knees did not work.

You can view graphic picture of knee replacement from old days on my stem cell journal site.  Please note that knee replacements today are so much better with faster recovery times.  Nowadays the incision is three inches compared to 13 inches which I had in 2000.

Also picture of crooked fingers needs updating as since stem cell my hands have straightened out on their own.  I need to update that picture.

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Have a Greart Day!!!!

Good thread for me since I'm going to have my first knee replaced in July, followed by the other knee in September.  I hope to only have 2 replacements but with these disease it's hard to say.  I plan on using my new knees up and if I'm lucky enough to make it those ten years then I'll gladly have the replacements replaced.   Lindy  Replaced both hips in '93, 1 knee in '93 and the other in '94.  Cervical fusion this past January and a knee revision 4 weeks ago.  Planning on having a hip revision before the end of this year.  Would I do it all over again?  Absolutely!  I have some limitations but for the most part, I live quite a normal life.

I am reading a research study on Ankylosing Spondylitis where the researcher ( also a RD) has had 9 joint replacements and it is a fascinating read ( I love to read research studies, if that makes me a NERD, well then it makes me a nerd.) This person hashad all these surgeries an dkeeps going never giving up and among that, researches to help solve the puzzle.................kidos!!!!!!!!

As I have leanred with my mom's knee replacement, it aint easy!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 


I've had both knees replaced twice and one hip replaced twice because of infections. I had my right wrist done - a newer procedure then, and both forefeet redone. Looks like a total of 9.


No joint replacements yet, but need to have bilat. knee replacements...trying to hold at as long as possible though.  I've had multiple surgeries on both of my feet, including forefoot and ankle fusions/triple arthrodesis. I also need a right shoulder arthroplasty, but again, I'm trying put it off until I absolutely can't live with the pain any longer.

My hat's off to you've REALLY been there and back!

Brisen....i had 2..triple arthodesis done, and the knees done..makes me wonder if our feet messed up our knees!

Hi Aimee,

My knees started going bad about 5 years before the feet. I've had MANY bilat. knee arthroscopies for debridement, torn meniscus, synovectomy, etc. and have been limping around since the late '90s. I actually think in my case, the uneven gait due to the bad knees made my feet go bad. Who knows for sure...  :)


Just one total knee replacement for me - that was quite enough, Actually it was for OA, though I do have RA overlap along with scleroderma. Bubba, I think you must hold the record. Were they all done by the same ortho?  Keep up your fantastic positive attitude, we could all learn a lesson from you!   Pat