Light Sensitivity? Am I turning Vampire? | Arthritis Information


Ever since I started having auto-immune wackiness, I have become really light sensitive. It kills my eyes, makes me nauseous etc. I have talked to my eye doctor, kidney doctor, and RA doctor. Im getting headaches now which are new for me and they started when my arthritis came back from being in remission about 2 weeks ago and light makes them so much worse.

Does anyone else have problems with light like this? Even if I am in the shade, if I am looking out towards a sunny area (even if the sun is not in my eyes) it still hurts.

I am afraid I am turning into a creature of the night...

Have you had a recent eye examination? Light-sensitivity can be related to AI diseases, especially SLE, but there are literally dozens of other causes that need to be investigated at the earliest opportunity.

Best wishes, Shug

ETA: many medications used to treat AI diseases can also cause light-sensitivity. The first line of defense is a good pair of polarizing sun glasses a broad brimmed hat and having all your physicians involved in treating the symptom.
Spelunker2009-07-10 09:26:57Abby, I totally agree with Shug!  Keep asking questions until you get answers! 

I hope you find answers soon!  Light sensitivity can be so painful.  My migraines cause this.
