Methorexate and Lexapro/AblifyQuestion | Arthritis Information


For those of you on Methotrexate,  do you have body pain the day after?  It has recently starting doing this and I was wondering if it was a normal.  Also, any of you who have colored your hair while on Methotrexate, did you have any problems, such as more hair loss or your hair colored was not the normal shade.

I have another question for anyone on Lexapro and Abilify.  Since I started taking this about a month ago, I find it had to find words sometimes while talking.  I also sweat so much and its not a hot flash.  Last, in the type of sleep where you are kind of barely under, I have all kinds of weirds dreams and any body movements I make in my dream, I also make in my bed.  Its really strange and I was wondering if anyone with experience in these 2 drugs could help.  Thanks so much!

I don't take Lexapro or Abilify, so can't help you with those questions. But I do take MTX, and yes, I do have body aches and headaches the day after taking it. I work during the week, so I always take it on Friday night, so I have all day Saturday to recuperate. As far as hair loss, I do dye my hair...I get a weave every 6-7 weeks, but I have never had any problem with hair loss or coloring problems. Several years ago I was on Arava, and I did notice my hair thinning then, but not so much with the MTX.

I always had body aches the day after MTX and a little hair loss.  I found that Folic Acid helped with that.  I can't speak on the other meds.  I can say that Ultram makes me have really wild dreams too
Thank you both for your replies.  I was just afraid to dye my hair and then have it all fall  I'm also glad to hear that I am not the only one who hurts after taking MTX...that makes me feel better to know that it is supposed to do that. I foil highlight my hair and taking MTX has made no difference in the coloring.....

I use to get achey and feel punky the day after MTX.... but I don't any more...

Yes, I hurt a lot the day after mtx.  I always imagine that there's a "fight" breaking out between the fresh mtx troops and the hordes of evil antibodies.
I have another side effect from the mtx.  On days two and three after taking my pills, I get very, very dizzy.  Anyone else experience that? 
Topamax, also used in the treatment of various depressive states, is known for causing some mild aphasia (when you can't find the right words).  I took it for a few months several years ago when going through a severe depression, and it was very bizarre.  I would know exactly what I wanted to say, but I simply could not make the word materialize!  Very embarrassing - especially at work, when meeting with clients to come up with database and website designs!

I've never heard of that problem with Abilify, but I totally understand the frustration!

I have extra fatigue and headache day of and day after, not really an increase in achiness though.   I do have some hair loss, but not an amount I'm concerned with.    Interesting timing on your hair coloring question.  Just had mine done on Friday and my stylist said the meds have to being a number on my hair.  Much drier and the color doesn't hold as well as it used to.  Started out coloring every 8 weeks (pre-Ra)  Once RA hit, I've moved from every 7 weeks, to 6 and now every 5 weeks.   My hair is growing faster, so that doesn't help either as outgrowth pops up sooner. 

Thank you all for your responses.  Out of all of this, the thing that concerns me the most is not being able to find the right words.  It is very frustrating as sometimes I will be in the middle of a conversation with someone, a conversation that I started and all of a sudden I can't remember the point I was trying to make.  When I go back to my doctor, I am going to ask him about that and if it is normal and if it will eventually go away. Sharon - I do find myself struggling for words sometimes, but that was happening pre-RA.  I blame peri-menopause for that.  Still good to ask your doctor though.