Help for fatigue | Arthritis Information


After  complaining about fatigue over & over, my Doc said to try caffeine tablets.  Each tab is equal to two cups of coffee.  Of course too much of anything is not good, so please go by directions.  I love coffee, but my tummy does not, so these tabs work great for me. 
Worth a try? 
I prefer caffeine gum when I need a "jolt."  Each piece contains 50mg caffeine - about 1/2 cup of coffee.  Judicious use of caffeine can work wonders!  Like just about anything else, moderation is the key.
JasmineRain2009-07-12 11:36:24

My hubby and sons love "5 Hour Energy Drink".  It has caffeine in it, but also B vitamins and not the sugar other energy drinks have.  My husband says it really helps on those days when he is just dragging at work and it doesn't make him jittery.

Just be careful with the caffeine - it can really aggravate fibro-cystic breast disease if you have a tendency toward that.  
