And Here I Go!!! | Arthritis Information


I am going to cardiologists in the morning for them tests. Will only get to see techs, no CD.

I get to have an ultrasound of my heart again, to rule out fluid around it.
I get to have an ultrasound of my legs to rule out blood clots.
And yet another 24 hour heart monitor again! This will make 4.
So... now ya'll see why I hate going to DRs? They always find more testing to do on me. I would not have went this time, but they called and reminded me of my 6-month follow-up appt the day before the appt. Oh Joy!
MIL will be tending to them tomorrow, while I am in there being poked and probed.
I guess I will just suck it up and make the rest of the appts I need to make. Man... the list is getting long for the Drs I need to go get seen by! And they all are related to this disease or Fibro! Excpet one or 2. I have a total of 6 Drs I need to go see.

I love ultrasounds..

Let us know how things go Joonie
