doctor call | Arthritis Information


so my diabetes doctor just called back after we told the nurse my blood sugar numbers

she sayd im doing good and to stay that way
now instead of trying to be below 140 i HAVE to be below 140
she's not gonna change anything at the moment
and she sayd to avoid lots of carbs and sugars
idk what lots of carbs is exactly, but i'll try
so we gotta call her in a week or two
she sayd
and thats it
so thats good, right?
all Soda pop has it, like pepsi, coke, 7up.  Which they also have sugar unless you get diet.   I love my pepsi, can't have  them.  well thats ok
cuz i hate soda
i never drink it
its gross
SnowOwl, thats a good idea
hmmm but it could be hard
even if they did have classes like that
i doubt my mom would drive 45 minutes each way, just to do it
cuz my diabetes doctor and stuff isnt at my local hospital
if it was then that'd be easier
cuz that only be about 10 minutes or less
hmmmm, anyways i'll mention it to my mom
[QUOTE=StarPerson121]SnowOwl, thats a good idea
I swear that this whole conversation is familiar...deja vu all over again, to quote Babe Ruth.

I think that the topic was Starperson's "what should I eat" and many of the same suggestions were offered there along with the suggestion to  use the internet to learn about diabetic diets and to involve your parents in researching diets, food exchanges and various techniques for gaining control over your blood sugar.

My opinion is still that you and your parents should be asking your physician and/or a nutritionist about your diet rather than seeking advice on an RA forum. Advice, that I might add, is frequently solicited but never seems to be acted upon.

Whether or not your diabetic condition will simply disappear when you not longer take prednisone is not where your and your parents focus should be. Rather, as others have indicated, you along with your parents need to be concerned with finding a way to enhance your present state of health, optimize it, and prevent any complications from wrecking havoc with your future.

Yes, I am one of those "meanies" your have spoken of before because it is my considered opinion that you and your parents need to take the initiative and become proactive in caring for both your JRA and your steroid induced diabetes.

Like Snowowl, the descriptions you regularly offer up of your meals sounds like you are ingesting a "lot of carbs"...
well, actually the main purpose of this thread wasnt to ask ppl what to do
the main thing was telling how good i was doing now
and that im more ok than before
Well, actually Starperson121, when you post things such as:
so does that mean i shouldve sayd:
so my diabetes doctor just called back after we told the nurse my blood sugar numbers
she sayd im doing good and to stay that way
now instead of trying to be below 140 i HAVE to be below 140
she's not gonna change anything at the moment
and she sayd to avoid lots of carbs and sugars
instead of addin the part about not exactly knowing what alot of carbs were
cuz i didnt want anyone to get mad or nothin
sorrie, i'll try to think before i post next time
No one, most of all me, is "mad". Rather, we are concerned with your well-being. When you post that you have eaten cereal, muffins, crescents, etc. many of us cringe that you are eating all those carbs in one fell-swoop.

Again, you NEED to know how to manage your diabetes and your JRA. YOU need to know. You need to take the initiative and ask questions of your physicians and ask those questions over and over until you understand what the answers are.

Spend your time studying nutrition and learn how to feed your body for health, whether it is your birthday or just another day. Learn how to balance your meals, take your calcium/vitD instead of tossing it away; drink sufficient water whether you like water or not; exercise every day; teach yourself to eat a variety of vegetables and learn to enjoy the crunch and flavour of salads; eat fresh fruit instead of graham crackers. Do yourself a favour and learn to eat for health rather than simply to satisfy your love of cake and ice cream.

Edited for syntax...
Spelunker2009-07-14 08:12:57[QUOTE=Spelunker]Spent your time studying nutrition and learn how to feed your body for health, whether it is your birthday or just another day. Learn how to balance your meals, take your calcium/vitD instead of tossing it away; drink sufficient water whether you like water or not; exercise every day; teach yourself to eat a variety of vegetables and learn to enjoy the crunch and flavour of salads; eat fresh fruit instead of graham crackers. Do yourself a favour and learn to eat for health rather than simply to satisfy your love of cake and ice cream.
excellent post, Shug!
No, you should not avoid telling the truth about what you eat..... what you don't take... and what you don't understand.......
Asking questions is GOOD!
You need to listen to the good advice, OK?
Google:  low carb diet
This is YOUR body for the rest of your life... YOU are the one who will ultimately pay for your bad habits as you age.
I have an almost 14 year old as well as four adult children...... 
You are plenty old enough to take this important step toward your good health.
If you have questions...... ask!  We will be glad to help. 
oh ok
so ur not mad
ur just trying to help/give advice
i guess ur right, maybe i should try to eat healthier and do what im supposed to
now you're getting it!!
keep us posted.
[QUOTE=StarPerson121] ok then, ur right i should try to eat healthy[QUOTE=StarPerson121]ok then, ur right i should try to eat healthy[/QUOTE]
seeing is believing...... saying is the first step in doing..
make it your mantra...... say it over and over til you believe it.
babs102009-07-14 08:41:36its easier to say it than do it tho
especially since we have ALOT of junk food at my house
we dont have much healthy stuff
[QUOTE=StarPerson121]its easier to say it than do it tho well we ended up going to the store after my doctor appointment
they didnt buy that stuff
but we bought banana's and strawberries
do u think those r good too?
