Update... | Arthritis Information


Well, I had to postpone my RD appt until next week.  It stinks, but I was up all day with really bad heartburn (which I very rarely have) and have to work again tonight so I had to get some sleep.  So.....the appt was pushed back a week.  The upside is I'm feeling better.  Not good, but it is manageable.  Thanks for all the well wishes.  The support here is wonderful!

Phats, I am sorry to hear you had such issues!  Was it something you ate?  Some meds you are taking?  Don't let this go if you continue to have this issue... I know you know it can be a sign of heart issues and misery loves company, but I don't want you to have heart problems to keep me in good company!

I hope the week flys by for you in ease and comfort so you may make that visit! Oh, I suspect it is my diet over the past couple of days.  That and Taco Bell soft taco supremes with Lava sauce.  YUM YUM but ouch on the tummy.  Thanks for the warning though and  you are so right, it can indicate cardiac issues.  I think mine is just plain ole' diet. 
Hope you are doing well Waddie...
I'll be fine Phats, but you... step away from the Lava sauce!!!  No wonder you had heartburn!  Glad the RA issues are feeling better. HI Phats, you know you can do it, so I am glad you enjoyed the tacos but now it is time to behave, all the best, hope it all goes well next week.  Regards Janie.Sorry you had to postpone your RD appointment, but glad you're starting to feel better! You still need to ask for a Pred. burst to have on hand for those flares though.I'm sorry to hear you didn't get to go to the doctor yet - but I'm glad the pain is more manageable.  I hope you can get a break from the stress at work and you continue to feel better until you can see the doctor.Sleep in very important, but I am sorry you missed your appointment. I hope you have a fairly comfortable week without too much pain as you await next Tuesday.

Ummm, a soft taco sounds wonderful...
Shug, that might just give you your needed bowel sounds!  LOLGlad you are at least tolerable for now. Get well soon.
Ha, I think it will do more than give bowel sounds, there might be an explosion!
[QUOTE=Hillhoney]Shug, that might just give you your needed bowel sounds!  LOL[/QUOTE]
Well, my tummy is better, but joints hurt again today.  But, it is only one more week.  It will go by fast.  At least I feel better than I did this weekend.
As for taco bell, that stuff is rot gut, but I love it.  I'm addicted to it right now.  It was *almost* worth the heartburn pain.

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