FYI...Swearing Can Make You Feel Better | Arthritis Information


Newswise — While swearing is often a common response to pain, Richard Stephens and his colleagues, John Atkins and Andrew Kingston, were surprised to discover that no links had been established between swearing and the actual experience of physical pain. Since swearing often has a ‘catastrophising’ or exaggerating effect, serving to embellish or overstate the severity of pain, Stephens and his team hypothesised that swearing would actually decrease the individual’s tolerance of pain. “Swearing has been around for centuries and is an almost universal human linguistic phenomenon” says Dr Richard Stephens “It taps into emotional brain centres and appears to arise in the right brain, whereas most language production occurs in the left cerebral hemisphere of the brain. Our research shows one potential reason why swearing developed and why it persists.” read this earlier in the week and not only did it make me laugh, it created a new set of exercises for me: practicing swearing each morning . I feel better all ready. Well, %$^&, I could have told those &*%^@ researchers that ^$@#! swearing was good for all this %$&*# pain!  I've certainly had enough &*%$@# practice!!![QUOTE=SnowOwl]I adore people who swear creatively.   [/QUOTE]
Oh, so do I!  I knew a dairy farmer who, when a cow ticked him off, would yell, "You Old Ethiopian Whore!"  And I played cards with a guy who would call me, "You Magnificently Ignorant Slut!" when I made a play that angered him.
Great phrases: now, practice them while >>standing on one foot, with perfect balance and your eyes closed you daughters of corrupt strumpets. Thanks for the link, Spelunker ------ I fell on my %$#&* a$$. Snow! I know all those terms and, yes, I too employ them but admit to favouring the good old USA version.

Thanks for this conversation, it has made my day!
PERFECT! I have saved all of this to a text file and will be printing them off when I can. Felgergarb! has such a nice feel to it. Swearing helps when you're playing golf, too.  If nothing else it incapacitates your opponent with laughter, if you are creative enough.I'm using some of these on the golf course, that's where I swear the most and it's really unlady like, more sailor like.  I was a surgical nurse for years and learned to swear from the best. 
Snow, you made my day; like Shug, I'm saving this post to use at a later date.  Lindy
I practice like I need to perfect it.......
My father is a true artiste when it comes to creative cursing.  Needless to say I can't repeat any of his rantings here.