OT Gum Cracker | Arthritis Information


What do you do when you have a co worker who is a constant gum cracker and she's 40 years old? I am about to go off. I have a lot of patience but this has been going on for months every day!I would try to remind myself that I probably have a habit or two that drives people crazy, that I'm not even aware of.  Back when I inhabited the cube farm, it seemed like everyone had an annoying habit or two - whether tapping on the desk or cube wall (and since they're all connected they ALL vibrate), humming, congested breathing, snoring, farting, talking to oneself, popping gum, slurping coffee... honestly, I could spend my day angry at the world or I could just shrug it off and try to limit my own annoying behaviors.  I finally chose the latter and was much more relaxed at the office.

Oh OK.

That would drive me absolutely NUTS.  I cannot stand when people pop and crack their gum.  I take it you don't feel comfortable mentioning this to the co-worker?
since wantto and I have had multiple conversations about the gum cracker......I do know that this is an irritating habit performed by a MORE irritating person....
and with that being added to the info available about the situation.....
I would say.... just tell her..... or go Snow's route.... (I like that !! )
I'm always popping/cracking my gum...my husband hates it!  I just can't stop though, when I'm chewing gum.I would ask for a piece of gum and join in on the fun!!!!I never chew gum in public because I chew it like a pig...that's the fun of it.  But if I were to forget to spit it out and someone had to ask me to stop chewing that way, I dunno, it wouldn't be that huge a deal for me.  I'd just apologize and spit it out.  I seriously don't think I'd be offended.  Maybe a bit embarrassed.  But I wouldn't be mad at you for asking.OMG, I have a co-worker that does the same thing.  I want to choke him sometimes =)  He stands behind me while looking over more shoulder at my computer.  I usually make some kind of joke, but he still does it.  I try to over look it, but some days it is all I have not to stick his gum up his nose
I agree with Linncn...if I were cracking my gum and someone told me about it, I'd have no problem spitting it out, and I wouldn't be offended in the least. I also tend to chew my gum like a cow, and I know I crack/pop it too...I'm just usually not aware of it while I'm doing it. So I don't chew gum in public either. It's just common courtesy.

I go mad when my kids do it, its really annoying. I think Id ask your work collegue if you could have a word with them and ask if they are aware of how noisy it is. Maybe they arent aware they are doing it, its one those habit things that somepeople do automatically. If i was annoying someone by cracking gum I'd hope they would tell me.

Yeah...unfortunately this person here is not receptive to constructive criticism. She is also one of those "entitled" types. Probably would say I'm in my office I should be able do what I want to do in my office.
If the opportunity to be humorous about it presented itself it would be the method I would need to use.
Kind of know that if address this- and if she stops for now- whenever she would want to get under my skin she would start up again for just long enough if you know what I mean.
However it is quiet here today so far
It obviously really grates on my nerves but I don't like to cause issues over small things- life's too short. I've really just been hoping that she would lose this new desire to chew gum every day. But like I say now it's been months.....
Hmmmm.  She sounds more like your annoying little brother than an adult coworker.  It's odd that something so small could turn into an issue.  It's stories like this that make me glad that at my job it's just me and the animals.  No gossip, no backstabbing, no gum snapping.  Of course, there is the ear splitting squwaking and grape flinging, and the occasional quill in my finger!  I don't think I'd trade you though :)OMG I would much rather work with animals than this woman. Picture a grown woman with a diaper on.
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